This site’s design will throw most people that visit it. For a start, nearly three quarters of the screen have been abandoned in favour of squeezing all the content into the bottom left hand corner. Whilst this is certainly original, I’m not sure if it works particularly well, as one consequence is a very small text size.
The background image itself is very well realised, although one problem with it is that it clashes badly with much of the text, making an already difficult site that much harder to read.
The blog itself is fairly interesting, although there are too many posts that go on without much point. The author’s constant use of sentence fragments joined together by “…” is immediately annoying.
Some of the content here is good though. The writer is clearly enthusiastic about anime and that side of art, and if this was the only topic of discussion, the site would be much richer. Also, trying to squeeze pictures into the bottom frame is a bad idea.
This has the makings of an attractive and interesting site, but at the moment it falls between two stools.Reflections