Review 377

I began to review this weblog in earnest

until I discovered that the author did

it very succinctly for me. Behold:

“It’s basically nothing more but a list

of ramblings about the crap of my life.

The only reason I’m keeping it personal

is because 1) If I posted it here, no

one would understand half of what I was

saying. 2) Lots of ppl from RL have

started to visit my blog and that makes

me paranoid of what I write”

The random jibber-jabber/thought ratio

leans WAY towards the jibber-jabber. It

is as if the author is having a frenetic

verbal conversation with herself where

every neural impulse is deemed worthy of


Graphically, the site is really very

slick. I’d go so far as to say

beautiful. The anime graphic is fun, the

navigation is minimal, clear, and easy.

The white text on the dark blue

background is a bit hard to read.

My advice for this weblog: before

typing, consider if it’s worth reading.

fin.Through Seraph’s Eyes