Review 653 had a design that I have yet to see. The first thing I noticed about the site was the logo. It was keys from a keyboard, which is very original now (about 7 years ago that was all the rage).

Weblog, weblog, weblog… Normal stuff that you expect to read on a weblog. How people affect his life, what is going on in his life, and problems that he is solving. But there is more to it than your average run of the mill weblog. For most people you cannot tell the type of emotion that is behind what they type unless they flat out tell you. But for some reason, I understood where he was coming from with every post. The reading is very easy, and you quickly get lost in the archives.

Design of the site is pretty cool. I already mentioned the logo, and the navigation bar has a cool effect on it. I however, didn’t like the background on the blog area so much because it distracts from the words sometimes.

Overall the site is a good read and most should enjoy it.
