Review 764

I would have to call this one of the most enjoyable sites that I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing so far. My first impression of this site was that it was a light hearted nonserious type site, and the writing fits the design perfectly.

This page is written by a young lady who lives the life that a lot of people, including me, only dream about. Her “About Me” section is perhaps the most complete I’ve ever seen including tons of info on her, picture of her and her friends, and even info on the place where she lives. She was born in the US, but has lived in England and is now residing in Singapore, and has traveled all over on top of that. Her entries, like the site itself, are light hearted and extremely interesting. They range from her daily life and her trips to the dentist, to problems with her laptop, to discussing the censorship of movies and music in Singapore.

Although the author admits freely in her bio that she knows nothing of HTML, the site design is crisp, clean and very easy to navigate.

This site will definitely find it’s way into my favorites folder, and will make it on to the “daily read” list. I highly recommend that you take a stop by and see what she has to say.Krisalis