I’m not entirely sure how “Team Murder” has any relevance to the subject matter at hand of this weblog, but nonetheless, like with any website, I’m sure there’s a method behind the madness of its title.
The layout I like. Sure, it’s just a slightly modified standard Movable Type template, but that’s okay – quite okay. See, with a site that is focusing your attention strictly on content, the less loud and flashy the layout looks, the better.
Reading this site was easy. Sure, I had no clue there were that many types of Linux, and I won’t remember the name of them tomorrow. The author at Team Murder explains things in a non-methodical way, which makes it easy to read AND easy to understand. If you’re keeping track at home, that’s a big factor in finding a good weblog to read on a regular basis. I also like how the author is able to throw in some wit and humor from time to time, as well as get in a good dig about something that’s irritating him without sounding like he’s preaching or complaining.
The “Generic About” section (listed under Internal Affairs) is one of the best explanations of why this site exists that I’ve read in a while. It’s the premature beginning of something that has the potential, especially in the author’s eyes, to be something very big. That’s something worth applauding.
Due simply to the subject this weblog deals with – the up and coming tech geek type of thing – this may not be a weblog for everyone. However, if you’re looking to read personal thoughts and opinions of someone very well versed in today’s technology, make TeamMurder.com a spot you frequently visit.Team