My first impression when I followed the link to the site was that all the colored squares was a splash page that would lead me to the main site, but all the squares were individual links to different areas of the site.
It took me way too long to find the blog, er, journal really because it’s a Live Journal. I thought for a while that the site didn’t have one, but I found it eventually by clicking on the red box and then in another box under the “more” section.
According to her bio, “” is created and maintained by a 19-year-old girl named Corie going to a local junior college in Bakersfield, California. She writes mostly about what any other student in college would; classes, friends, incidents that happen along the way, etc. I think you can get a decent idea of her personality from her writing, which is good. Though, nothing really stood out to me in the writing and read like other sites by teenagers who seem to have a lot of energy; very “oh, i wanna post this really quick!” type of style.
On the rest of the site, you’ll find a links to music, cliques, pictures, art and drawings and other things of interest to Corie.
The site overall is so-so and I can’t find anything to rave about.