I loved the design of the site. It’s easy to navigate, it’s simple yet catching. Ah yes, and it’s neat too.
I like neat, it means I can find things easily. Like the links to the author’s profile page, his 100 things page, and along the right side of the blog is the sidebar with a bigger portion taken up by a chat box and little links to various webrings underneath.
The initial impressions were more of a mixed feeling for me, I wasn’t quite sure what exactly to expect from this blog as the title “Footsteps in the Mirror” didn’t really give much away, apart from maybe the blog itself being more of a self examination blog than a political, news or group blog.
After reading through a few entry’s I started to like the way Kamigoroshi wrote his entry’s. They were engaging and a bit humorous, yet very revealing in so much as the author cares about what he writes because he is writing about himself.
The entry’s I believe are well thought out, they follow through and do have points to them. Some are a bit obscure, other’s are not, but that might just be my perception. I believe that the purpose of this particular blog is to be the author’s thought catcher, be blogs about personal things more often than not, yet personal isn’t boring for this particular blog. It’s intriguing.
Overall “Footsteps in the Mirror” is a blog that should be checked out, even if it’s just for the template, which I thought was very different and easy to use. The writing style is easy to read and comprehend, the author reflects well and writes well about the various issues, or concepts that he might have.
Definately worth a nose around.
Footsteps in the Mirror