Review 2999

I briefly began sneaking around the “It Must Be Downhill From Here.” I liked the layout, except the fact all the text was centered. I felt the layout was very appropriate; however, I did not find any posts that would drag me into the blog whole heartedly.

The Weblog is about Jennifer’s life. It tells a lot about her life at “THE INN.” She recently quit working there; maybe that has been why her blog has not been active for the past month. She talked about the worst parts of her day and what pi**es her off. Though I agree with her on some aspects, I feel her blog would have greater appeal if it told more about her life rather than what makes her angry.

The design of the site is a blogger template. It has a simple blue background with poca dots. It has some images throughout the site, which was nice because it didn’t make the site feel blah. Also, all the text is centered, which I had a hard time reading.

She claimed that she joined The Weblog Review Staff to work on her writing career, I think she should use her blog to help increase her writing career. If Jennifer would do this it would increase her popularity, while drawing people into her blog and having them to return frequently. Some work is needed. There were some misspelled words, which is annoying when you are reading a blog. I rate this blog as a 3.