After reading the first two months of archives on this site, I was honestly lost. The only thing that kept me coming back for me would have to be the amazing photography that fills a good number of posts on this site.
Bob’s BarnaBlog is hosted by Blogger, and uses one of the fine packaged Blogger templates. There’s some sort of issue with the alignment, though. With this standard two-column layout, I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the main column’s content before I can see what type of information is housed in the sidebar.
The posts come very frequently, often with multiple posts in one day. That aspect does give readers a reason to continue visiting this site.
After the first few months of blogging, the author finally decides to stray from the regular posts of sharing photos and artwork. In these entries, it’s hard to dictate if it’s the writer actually posting about the day’s events or a story from the past, or if it’s a work of fiction the author just wants to publish somewhere. There’s not a place to learn anything about the author of this site, which only leads us to speculate who is writing everything that’s being published here.
The writing style of the site is hard to pin to one style. It’s a thick writing style that I find hard to chew through if you’re just looking for a casual weblog to read from time to time. The substance is what I would call profound, but it’s hard to decipher exactly what is being written.
In an April 2005 post, the “members of the bob’sbarnablog editorial team†are wondering why they don’t have much of a readership of their weblog. The lack of clarification and the downright confusing posts would be my explanation to that conundrum.