Once you visit Pornster, immediately all your attention is focused on one thing – pictures! The site appears to be a plain and simple porno blog. Once I manage to turn my attention away from all the mesmerising pictures of women, I find out that the blog belongs to a guy called “Pornster” who admires the physique of females and set up this blog to share his appreciation for women he finds attractive. Although some of the women on the site wouldn’t be to my taste but as they say “Different strokes for different folks!”
The blog itself is running on Blogger and is hosted on Blogspot.com. The template is one of the generic ones but it has been altered slightly to add some new features. As you scroll down the sites you will notice tonnes of links all pointing towards similar themed blogs I reckon although I didn’t click on them because at this stage my 56k modem was being hammered!
The vast majority of the posts are simply pictures which are then followed by a short description from the author stating why he liked that picture. The fact that there is such a description goes to show that there has been some effort put into delivering quality content which is definetly a positive sign. However a lot of posts contain pictures which links to referrer sites i.e money making schemes which is something I don’t really condone or appreciate although I suppose it’s considered to be the norm in the industry.
In the way of extra content, there isn’t really much to see. There is a guide to downloading porn which may be of interest to some but after reading it I decided that my way is better! I suppose you could also class the links as extra content but I’d rather not.
Overall, if hardcore nudity is what you’re after then this should suit your needs. If you’re expecting intellectual discussion then I think you had better look elsewhere.