The Sideshow is a great blog.
First of all the layout is good. The colours don’t make anything hard to see and its all very pleasant on the eye.
The blog is updated daily and it would appear only once daily.
But don’t worry. When it is updated you get a lot of text.
The main content seems to be music and its all very interesting reading.
Id definitely recommend this blog to anyone after a interesting daily blog.
The Sideshow
Month: January 1970
Review 305
This site is very well organized and actually pretty interesting.
I mean, to start with, you’ve got the amazing eye-candy design — who can resist a glamourously altered image of Hamasaki Ayumi surrounded by sleek tables and CSS coding? But that’s not all the site offers, oh no!
While a stylish design is key to receiving a good reception on this thing called the Internet, it’s even more important to have interesting blogs. And that’s what this site delivers.
The blogger puts up blurbs about daily life (as we all do) as well as the occasional joke and bits of information about the ongoings of other Internet regulars. All in all interesting topics, even if they don’t frequently stray below the surface. The eye-catching design and overall fun theme to the site more than compensate.materialisticORG
Review 221
At first I thought Jeff’s site was just his weblog and that was it. But I searched a bit and discovered there was a bit more to his site. Though I’m assuming his “main” content of his site is his blog. It’d be nice if the site was a little more developed like some quick access to an email and such.
On to the blog … so Jeff updates his blog a few times a month but he gives a nice summary of what’s going on with him. He writes, so it seems, through stream of thought; just saying what comes to mind and doesn’t alter too much of what he says. Almost like you’re in his head listening to him think about what’s going on. Jeff also doesn’t rant on and on too much on one topic and discusses things for just the right amount of time so you don’t get too bored with the content.
See what’s been streaming out of Jeff’s head and stop on by his site.bitofmyworld
Review 215
Excellent blog. One of the better group blogs I have ever seen. The design is great, the content better. Each post is very good and enjoyable, and is even somewhat deep.
I thoroughly enjoyed this one folks, do not miss it. fumbling towards ecstacy
Review 185
A quite strange blog in itself, it bases most of the content around one theme: computer stuff. Unless you are a tech geek, it gets pretty boring. It’s sad, because when the blogger strays from the topic, the posts are…good. The design is good, easy to get around, and simple. Simple being a good thing. The score would’ve been much lower, if not for extra content, which I found at least somewhat entertaining.grep computer(s)