A typical blogger layout, very featureless and incredibly tacky, this immediately made me wonder what I was in for. Entries are long and every sentence includes 3 dots somewhere in it:
“I am taking tomorrow off… and I am leaving early today.”
After 1 paragraph this gets unbelievably aggravating.
The entries are not of much interest to anyone who doesn’t know the author; also they are quite had to follow without reading preceding entries.
However I doubt whether this is supposed to be a thought provoking mind blowing blog, I thinks perhaps its meant to be a way of keeping a journal with no particular purpose, if that is the case then the author has succeeded, if not then he has failed miserably.
Month: January 1970
Review 205
The author describes and defines his site perfectly “It’s small and simple, but yet complex in it’s own way. It isn’t too plain, but it fits good.” I would have to agree whole-heartedly with that statement.
The design is simple but welcoming the colours are used to compliment each other and the layout; it has just the right amount of colour to be subtle and not loud and gaudy.
Although the “blog” only has 2 entries and “Web Rob was only started on July 26th, it shows promise, I’m looking forward to watching the site develop in many ways.
I intend on updating this review in a few months when the site will have progressed enough for me to give a fuller and more rounded evaluation of it.
web rob
Review 183
The first thing I noticed as I arrived at this site is the fact it hasn’t been updated since July 23rd, however ignoring this fact I began to read each entry.
The next thing I came across is the lack of correct punctuation.
The entries were mainly funny little snippets of the author’s day/outing, however I found the writing fairly hard to read, but I found I could change the size by adjusting my browser.
Entries were separated with lines, which then included the date header that helped me to tell when a new entry began. They tended to be long and fairly easy to follow, the newer entries didn’t really require you to read the older ones before them, as each new event was explained fully.
The layout was bland and in my opinion could do with a bit more colour, however the image at the top of the blog was a nice little addition.
Overall a run of the mill blog, although some of the entries made worthwhile reading others didn’t, I think it could improve if the author updated more frequently.
Review 184
SSoft is actually a software company. Or so the notice on the front page alleges, but when you tour the site looking for the blog (it’s under “News” by the way), you begin to wonder.
The focus of the company is producing Visual Basic and Visual C++ software; they currently have one program for download. But reading the blog really turns you off ever wanting to get software from SSoft, as the writer’s constant reminders to himself to learn VC++ suggest a less than professional approach. You would think that a better way to proceed with a company would be to a: learn the language first b: build up a portfolio of products and c: be careful what you write in a blog if it’s on the same site as your business.
At least the software the company produces is free.
In terms of design, the layout and colours are bland and uninspiring, and it isn’t easy to pick out links when scanning through. The blog is occasionally interesting, but there are times when I wonder if the author is actually being ironic. For example, he believes he has thought up a new music genre: a combination of old school rap and rock. If he’s being serious, it’s pretty bad news.
All in all, not a very pretty or entertaining site, but not terrible. There’s a lot of room for improvement, but considering how much this one man is trying to do, I doubt things will improve much soon.SSoft
Review 189
This is a pure blog. No “About” section, no “Pictures” section, and no half-empty “Projects” section. This does put a large amount of pressure on the blog to provide all of the entertainment for the site, which, on balance, I think it does.
First impressions count considerably in the busy world of blogs, and this site makes a very good one. Consisting of an embedded frame in the middle of the screen, the dark, mostly black colour scheme works well in setting the mood for the content. The caligraphic pattern that sits flush up next to the blog looks fantastic.
A lot of the blog revolves around the life of a teenage, which is fine because it remains on the whole well-written and eloquent.
The only thing this site lacks at the moment, and this is what is keeping it from a 4.0 rating, is the lack of blog. This site is still very young, and there are only a few posts in total.
Worth visiting again sometime in the future.protection