Calvin’s Corner is contributed to by a couple of people, although if you want to know more about the authors, you’re out of luck.
This site feels half finished, half designed. What should be links (judging by their appearance) often aren’t, and the site lacks a heading of any sort, as well as more content (an about section would be useful as there are several posters).
I think that there is an explanation for all of this. There’s no “About” section because the primary audience already knows all about the writers. Or at least that’s the impression you get reading through the posts.
There’s not much here to recommend to the casual surfer, but I’m sure the regular visitors to the site won’t mind.Calvins Corner
Month: January 1970
Review 199
When I first looked at Green|gabbo I was not impressed.
First of all the layout is pretty dull.
Its text with a green border and black everywhere else.
On the plus side at least white on black can be read.
The actual blog itself is another matter.
It is at times interesting and the posts are fairly random.
Which is no bad thing. At least that way it isn’t like a episode of Neighbours where if
you miss one then you’ve missed the next 2 weeks plot 🙂
I found it pretty dull at first but the more you read the more it grows on you.
If your looking for a nice blog that’s updated often then its worth taking a lookgreen|gabbro
Review 196
With the title “Pandora’s Boxers,” I really wasn’t sure what to expect. Maybe all site with all this stuff to check out and surf through. However, to my surprise, it was just a simple site of a personal site full of tidbits about a girl’s online and offline life and quickly discovered someone who has something to talk about.
Her posts are fairly lengthy, but what’s great about her posts is she has something to say. That’s what made her blog interesting is she is discussing things that mean something to her, rather it be relationships, warding off horny guys online, or saying by living with her mom she will never own a dog when she moves out. What kept me reading is she has an opinion and isn’t afraid to come out with it. Pandora’s Boxers
Review 191
From a design standpoint, erin’s blog is attractive and easy on the eyes, if nothing dramatic. The blue colour scheme is well augmented by the occasional touch of green and red, and the choice of a plain white background helps the text stand out and makes it an easy and comfortable read.
Navigationally, the site is okay, but if you end up at the gigglechick front page, don’t expect to be able to find erin’s blog too easily.
Content-wise, the blog itself is nothing substantial. More one line comments and from time to time an anecdote, there isn’t much here to draw the reader in with.
On a more upbeat note, erin’s rants are on the whole far more entertaining, with more wit and humour in each one than in most of
Review 187
Evil Pixie offers the perspective and opinions of a “wife, mother of one, geek wannabe looking for a life!” Read into that what you will – there is an audience for this kind of blog, that’s true, but whether or not others will be interested in it is another matter entirely.
The design is a bit of a nightmare, honestly, although in it’s defence it doesn’t look like many of the blogs of today. Instead it looks like so many of the sites of yesteryear, the mid-nineties, a time when links were all buttons with a coloured border suggestive of a link. The paragraphs all too often flow into a single stream, and the choice of colours makes easy browsing more difficult.
The site’s content is reasonable, although an acquired taste. There are plenty of touching moments, although this reads like a Robin Williams script; perhaps too sentimental for most tastes. But that’s fine. This site has it’s audience and I don’t think much else matters.Evil Pixie