The writer at Chicks Dig UNIX is a guy called Cliff, who is honest enough to admit to not wanting to be a web developer. It takes a brave man to say that these days. Instead, he’s studying to become a systems administrator.
The blog itself is mildly interesting, although he has a tendency to rattle through unimportant details (eg “I bought and ate a slice of pizza on the way home even though I have a pizza in the freezer.”) whenever he doesn’t have anything more important to say.
Design wise the site is okay, but not particularly inspiring. I don’t think the layout fits the content: the posts are too long to have so much page width devoted to them, and that coupled with the lack of gaps between paragraphs leads to tired eyes a little too quickly.
There is some good stuff, and feeds from The Register and Slashdot help spruce things up a little. chicks dig unix
Month: January 1970
Review 120
Although most of the posts are made by the same person (someone called Kronix), this site encourages submissions from anyone and everyone. As the site says, “This site is owned by everyone.”
There are a number of reasons why this site is so worth visiting. First of all is the neat design and layout. Mostly consisting of blacks and grays, the colour scheme works. The links go where you would expect them to go (although the links to recent and previous posts aren’t obvious in their operation), and there a whole series of different sections of the site that have something good to read.
The posts are generally intelligent and interesting, and the movie reviews usually hit the spot. Of course, a lot of the site is opinionated (we all like some films that others detest), but opinion is the flavour by which we taste a blog, so this is a good thing.
There’s quite a lot to keep you occupied and entertained on this site, so I heartily recommend it.Entrapment
Review 132
well I’m going on a short hiatus so I thought I might do something brash before I leave hence reviewing my own website.
Well let’s begin.
the design (done by the maker of phil d is really good in my opinion on my suggestion he made the pixily art (which if you see tells the story of a twisted romance gone wrong). The design isn’t what is wrong with my site. First of all (you will know this if you read my reviews) my spelling and grammer really, really take away from the quality of my essays and poems, it often irks people mabye to the pt of dissuading them from coming back. However many a time the spelling and grammer errors are intentional to drive away people who are too buzy checking those to look at the actual content. but even I’ll admit it is often times very annoying. Another thing about this site that could be improved apon is NOT writing crap, some of my really horrible essays offend people so much that they won’t look for the good ones . I’ve managed to offset this problem by deleating many of those but still.
One of the most overlooked sections for webloggers is the poetry page where through persuasion I’ve managed to obtain many a poets contributions (including the esteemed ann arbor poet molly raynor) and others. This is in my pt by far the most interesting part of my site. A flaw that was my fault not the sites was my using it as a form to vent my anger at specific people. But through seeing what it’s done and the feedback i’ve gotten I’ve curbed this as well. I think I can honestly say these things because it isn’t shameless self promotion it’s honestly how I feel towards my site and as I grow I only feel it’s potential and quality will grow with me. But as long as in essays and logs I remain immature than my site will also only be this way.
But I encorage you to go to my site and tell me if you thought this review was accurate or hogslop
thank you for your timebandersnatch
Review 125
I wans’t really sure which category this fell under so I put it under personal (?) Also I wasn’t 100% sure fo its purpose until I read the “About” section.
The layout was particularly nice and uncluttered, everything had its place, this was particularly good to see as more and more blogs are becoming increasingly cluttered which draws attention aways from the blog itself.
I found some of the entries interesting and some amusing, such as the entry entitled “finally”.
I felt it appealed to all age groups, its content wasn’t up to much but the blog kept me amused.
Overall a decent site, with a very nice layout and blog.eWyle
Review 182
The purpose of this blog seems clear, to give an opinion on books and/or movies,
I wasn’t exactly sure where to begin, and I wasn’t exactly sure whether or not I fitted the target
As I began to read I felt it was rather dull and didn’t interest me at all, quite alot of the entries
were confusing to me as I hadn’t seen most of the films mentioned or read most of the books.
However I do believe I am the wrong target audience for this weblog, so therefore can not
give a full and honest review.
The desgin was rather bland and I saw little or no images what so ever, the layout was simple and
navigation was easy.
Overall I didn’t enjpy this at all, but maybe thats because I’m the wrong target audience or maybe its because
I haven’t read or seen anything they talk about.