Review 176

I found the design hard on the eyes. White text on a black background if subjected to for a long period of time is sure to cause some sort of vision disturbance. The white sidebar distracted me from the actual posting area. Which, if I’m wrong I apologize, would be going against the general idea. Unless of course the intention is to direct attention to the links, which aid in the leaving of the weblog.

As for the actual content of the daily posts, I found some of them to be amusing, while others I had to skip over. (ie. tax return post) I especially liked reading his view/take/notice of the world news. With these differentiating topics his comment in the “about me,” area (“Even with all these labels, you still don’t know who I am.”) is proven true.

So in summary I would say I was neither impressed or unimpressed by this weblog. With a little work on the design, and maybe less posts about where he is and who he’s visiting, I would be a returning

Review 178

Chuck is a surfer and Pongo his dog, and this is their blog. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a mess, certainly design-wise. From the first page, and a warning about malfunctioning JavaScript, to wondering where the links lead and if there’s any discernible hierarchy, the site is a struggle. Which is a shame, because it’s not often you have a blog written by one man and his dog. Hell, there even used to be a TV show called that here in England.

Once you get as far as the blog, things do brighten up. The design is lacking, but the blog, the focus of the site yet sadly hidden behind an unassuming link, is worth reading and is entertaining. The posts are occasionally comments about news headlines or links elsewhere, but a refreshingly large number are more than that.

It’s a shame the design is so chaotic, but if you can look beyond it, there is a decent site underneath it all.

Chuck & Pongo’s Organized Anarchy

Review 174

What can I really say that was bad about The Daily Venator? Not much. I enjoyed the weblog entries. I was able to identify with the author, having many interests in common. This was a plus, but it was not the only things that made the them good.

Rather than writing about hating the world or dwelling in self-deprecation, as so many weblogs do, the author spent his time wondering. He wondered about topics ranging from the odd search strings people used to find his site to why Texans are so patriotic about their state. “Why does one care about such things”, you might ask. Well, it’s a refreshing change of pace, first of all. Second, it suggests that the author takes the time to stop and smell the roses. He notices things that might be a fleeting thought in my head, and explores them.

I liked the fact that in one day’s entry, he felt he had not written enough and said that he might add more later. The entry was far longer than most weblogs for a week.

Anyway, I just thought it was interesting.

The rest of the site was dedicated to chronicalizing his progress in art. I particularily liked the piece he did of Han Solo frozen in carbonite–an image that has been etched in my head since I was 6. There were wallpapers and themes offered for download, and there was a unique dossier about the author.

The design is smooth, the layout is logical, and the content is positive and full. All good ingredients to make a great weblog and website.The Daily Venator

Review 167

another one of the “pita” sites

ho hum

sorry for the sarcastic begining I just have seen alot of them. Luckily for PP hers seems to stand out. the design is great with a fixed backround so scrolling down dosn’t matter, the symbols seem to be one of rebellion. This is a teen angst site but not a typical one, this one is well written and informitive and allows you to see why and how the writer thinks in a certain way. I found myself wanting to listen to sex pistols cds as I read the writers opinion on some of the hypocricies of life.

Everything about this site seems to clash, and in a good way.

This site is great as a weblog and for people who feel the need to revel in the banal triviality of the world

most of all it’s a great readanother one of the “pita” sites

ho hum

sorry for the sarcastic begining I just have seen alot of them. Luckily for PP hers seems to stand out. the design is great with a fixed backround so scrolling down dosn’t matter, the symbols seem to be one of rebellion. This is a teen angst site but not a typical one, this one is well written and informitive and allows you to see why and how the writer thinks in a certain way. I found myself wanting to listen to sex pistols cds as I read the writers opinion on some of the hypocricies of life.

Everything about this site seems to clash, and in a good way.

This site is great as a weblog and for people who feel the need to revel in the banal triviality of the world

most of all it’s a great read

I would like to read more of what this person has to say and mabye for them to be more clear in more posts but still well worth a readPlastic Punk

Review 150

okay, so i’m the third person to review this site, but i wanted to add my two cents regardless. the design is pretty minimal, but nonetheless very cool. i dig that picture of the little girl. not in that kind of way, though. anyway, it’s a really good site. the writer provides some excellent insights and actually entertained me. and it is unfortunately true that people’s attention spans last about as long as a virgin’s first sexual experience, but the minimal design of this site and the catchy writing style had me. it looks good, it’s funny, you should definitley check it pantster