Review 175

Here is the first truly adult weblog that I have found. This guy posts stuff about his life and posts pictures of naked chicks. This is a definite read for the girls, and a definite look at for the guys.

But seriously. Jack puts a lot of effort into his site. He posts about anything and everything you can think of, but it is typically about sex, naked women, what he did last night with a naked woman. Normal stuff in a weblog.

But there is something more to this site than just the pictures. It might be his writings, it might be his articles. I just don’t know. I have been reading (yes reading) this site for almost two months now. A lot of the stuff he has been through, I can agree with. Its stuff that happens to everyone.

Ok, the pictures are nice. He doesn’t (typically) post ugly ass women. These are really hot chicks. Half of them are fan pics of these girls with IWANGF written on some part of their body. What more could he ask for?

So if you want a good read, then check out this site. If you want to look at pictures of naked people, then check it out. If you want both… just click his link already.

Editor’s Note: Since the time of the review, IWANGF has had some major problems and lost all of the original content that was used in creating the review. Recently it seems as if Jack has lost interest in the site because of all of the problems.I Want a New Girlfriend

Review 172

the first time i saw this site, i was shocked. in a really good way. the design is technically astounding. the images don’t detract from the content. speaking of content, this has to be one of the most interesting weblogs i’ve read. her writing style is concise yet incredibly articulate. even if her life were boring, i’m sure the weblog wouldn’t be. she allows the reader to see inside her head, instead of leaving us feeling like we’re peeping through a security camera. i’m not a big fan of white text on black because it’s hard on the eyes, but the overall design makes it possible. alison is a truly talented writer and web designer. bluishorange is what a good weblog should be.bluishorange

Review 127

This is a truly beautiful website, and it’s just a terrible shame that it takes so long to download. However, whilst you wait for it to come down you can marvel at the transparency effects on the menu system – it looks particularly sophisticated (the layout I am referring to is entitled “mix3”, so if it isn’t the one when you arrive, and trust me, you’ll know, you should change to that immediately).

Unfortunately here are enough rough edges to spoil the site. The alternative layouts offered do nothing, and lack the gusto that ‘mix3’ provides. Also, this is one of the few blogs to have kept faith with Times New Roman and underlined links. It is possible to view comments made on each post, but I was unable to find an “add comment” link anywhere, and so all of the links read “0 comments”, which is a little sorry-looking.

The background image, although beautiful and well-implemented, is too wide; this adds to the download time, and there’s no reason for me to want to scroll sideways anyway. The navigation style does not hold all the way down the left hand side (starting with images and ending in normal text), nor does it extend much past the first page; this all spoils an otherwise clever and original design.

The author’s interest in anime and Japanese culture is reasonably well represented both in terms of design and content, but unfortunately the posts didn’t hold my attention as well as the appearance did.

This is one of those sites that has enough going for it to warrant a visit, but unless one or two of the site’s idiosyncracies are patched up, I’m not sure how many will return.Friezlog

Review 166

Jeff’s dreams of Wichita is a pretty reasonable attempt at a website. Although the navigation is slim (to access any of the site’s other sections you have to go back to the main front page), and the layout no more than basic, the blog shows some promise.

It’s not the most entertaining read, but I’m sure that it’s enjoyed by it’s target audience: the writer’s friends. There’s no need for much else without a rethink on posting policy.

Whilst I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend this site, it does have it’s good points, possibly the biggest of these, design-wise, is that the font sizes are not in pixels, so you can resize them through the browser.

An okay site, and worth visiting if you have the time and inclination. I still have no idea what the Wichita reference is though.True Dreams of Wichita

Review 2317

When I’m reading a blog, the first thing I usually look at is the header. The header can tell you a lot about a blog and its owner. It tells you whether or not the owner took the time to create a captivating header, or if they just stuck with the default template’s blog title in large text. When I stopped in at The New Empire Lounge, I could immediately tell that I was in for someting oringinal just by looking at the unique header image. I wasn’t let down by the cynical and hilarious musings of Rob, the owner of the blog.

Rob is a very funny guy. From rants about Bennifer to the MTV Movie Awards, Rob always has something interesting to say. From the looks of things, Rob just relaunched his blog this month. Since he’s been back, he’s been updating daily. Let’s hope he can keep that up.

The design of the blog is great. Most blogs that use Movable Type look nice, and this blog isn’t an exception. Because he uses MT, Rob’s blog has a great commenting system, easy to navigate archives, permalinks, and an RSS feed. The design isn’t to flashy or image intensive so the site loads very fast.

To sum things up, The New Empire Lounge is a great reader and definitely worthy of a daily visit. The design is great, it’s easy to navigate, and the entries are well written and fun to read. Definitely worth a look!

The New Empire Lounge