While the overall site design looks nice, I was left confused and misled by the navigation. There is a “Navigation Key” which depicts the definition of icons used on the website– not something I would want to stop and take time to learn or remember.
The weblog entries were sometimes interesting, but highly distracting due to the lack of sentence structure and correct spelling. Most entries I read were about web design. Links offered within the entries usually led to web design related sites.
Crusing through the rest of the pages, I often had to look and see if I had been unknowingly led to another site. There was no common theme among most pages, leaving wondering where I was.
Furthermore, I was unsure why there was a Bio page and an About Me page. Clicking on the “Home” link led me to another site all together, from what I could tell.
Overall, the ideas and goals of Life in the Bus Lane seem to be headed in the right direction, but the site needs a good amount of reworking and fine tuning.Life in the Bus Lane
Month: January 1970
Review 135
The Lipgloss Assassin keeps a very nice website. The design and layout are fresh and original, maintaining a clear navigation structure. I was unaware I was looking at the weblog at first, but after scrolling down to see dated entries, I figured it out.
The weblog entries themselves range from personal rants and raves about music, people and the internet, to news quips and virus alerts. Quite an interesting variety. I was not easily bored by the content, and read almost all of the posts.
I was a bit perplexed at first, not having the needed plugin to listen to the music on the site. I like being given the option to opt-in to mulitmedia features, rather than being told am lacking something upon entry to the site.
The rest of the site featured provocative images of the Lipgloss Assassin, and even a webcam, which actually worked. The webcam showed the empty bedroom of the author, next to some suggestive pictures of her, which can only leave me wondering what goes on there when she is online.
This site is not for the young, with no holds barred on the language, humor, and images.
Overall, I was impressed with the high-quality design, the entertaining and informative weblog, and the general content. Definitely worth a look.lipgloss assassin
Review 151
This blog is supposedly written by
two reverends. Rev. Brian Chapin
and Rev. Gregory Markle from
Bloomsburg, PA. Lemme give them
the benefit of the doubt… if that’s true
then these are the most ironic
preachers I have ever seen!
Imagine a preacher using the word
The weblog is a collection of the
funny links they find on the internet
while they’re not preparing sermons
or looking after their congregation. In
their commentary, they’re not afraid to
lampoon people who have a warped
sense of the First Amendment or
resorting to toilet humour.
There’s nothing in the Bible that says
preachers have to be humourless
goats, but these guys seriously rock!3 bruces
Review 108
At first I was turned off by the bright red coloring of liquidgnome,com. But alas, I noticed the pleasant tool in the upper left corner to choose a color I liked. Such thoughtful tricks of the trade please me when they are used judiciously and they work right, as this one did.
The weblog was the main focus of this site, and it was genuinely interesting. With personal notes, computer/technical notes, and links to funny articles, my attention was held for a significant amount of time.
I was pleased to see a free MP3 of the author’s band offered. The sidebar menus offered links, quotes, and biorgraphical info. One thing I was left wondering about was the author’s name, even after reading the bio page. Also, there is something to be said for low graphical content, but it would have been nice to see a photo or image here and there. Something to make the page a little more visually stimulating.
All in all, a very nice site.liquidgnome
Review 134
Unfortunately, on this site, some of the CSS positioning means some parts of the page overlap others. This means you can’t see some of the writing. Now, that’s probably just me, but still. Although it isn’t incredibly bad, it is a little annoying.
The design’s pretty good, the owner states in the “about” section that it was based on an old layout of another site, but that doesn’t detract from it. Apart from the problem I mentioned, the design’s quite interesting.
The blog itself is about a 17 year old male, who obviously runs the blog as a hobby, and writes about his life and site. I’d say more about the site than his life, but you still find out a few interesting things.empty-life