sometimes first impressions make a difference as was the case in this scenario. The site in review had a badly flawed design, the colors seemed out of place and the header clashed, whats more heartbreaking is that it was devoid basically of content even with the weblog, it was like a bad conversation and wanting to get out to explore greener pastures, it’s a shame because this writer had good insights and observations, but she never held onto them and rather just let them drift on bye, the reader also seems distant to the writer and never gets to know her. if the weblog is the first thing someone sees than it should stand out , unfortunetly I can’t say that about this website. which is sad because the writer seems like she has so much you’d like too hear
Month: January 1970
Review 150
I liked this site off the bat first read “this site hates netscape as you should too” . this site has it all, actual CONTENT not just a weblog, it is funny and graceful at the same time, the journal entries however seem to be too consise and too the pt and never seem to go anywhere just contrite facts about nothing, still the design is nice, and the pictures dont’ stand out but seem to blend into the weblog, what amazes me is that so many people probably overlook the content because it isn’t located clearly and is slightly hidden , this takes away from the design because this “hidden” material could easily have links filling the top header without looking out of place, none withstanding this site is good and has definite potential to be a great one, just by ironing out a few kinkspink pantster
Review 138
this site grows on you, slowly but surely I found my self more and more interested. The author of this site is able to give you the feeling that you know him and he gives you a little piece of him to scrutinize. the design grows on you as well, it “keeps it real” and dosn’t try to cram a bunch of stuff in knowing it can’t fit, the site’s quirky examples of life, and funny comments kept me enraptured while I got to know this person as best I could, I am frustrated that this delightful internet personality dosn’t have more than a weblog , but all in all a great siteKrazyKanadian
Review 150
I was immediately impressed with the design of the site. While pink is not my favorite color, it doesn’t seem to the author’s favorite either, as the picture of her states on the front page. The design is smooth and fluent. Being a stickler for cross-browser compatibility, I was unimpressed by the anti-Netscape statement at the top of the front page.
Reading through the weblogs, I was often left confused by obscure references and what seemed to be inside jokes. Nevertheless, I did find entertainment in some of the random quotes, links, and log entries. A nice, unique touch was that each entry informed you of the band and song the author was listening to at the time. I found myself intrigued by the author’s sarcastic wit in many of her postings. Her vast vocabulary and clever writing style managed to keep the logs from sinking into the uninteresting.
Aside from the author’s bio, the rest of the site was pretty cut and dry. The links page listed a bunch of random people who I had little interest in seeing. The guestbook didn’t seem to be working according to the statement at the top. I went back to the main weblog page and read more.
pink pantster
Review 23
this site is a classic example of having too much of a good thing, it very crammed taking away from a simple yet tasteful design and makes it seem brash some posts shouldn’t make it on the site at the risk of offending readers I love that this site is jammed packed but only too a pt. the quirky headlines from around the world are fun and amusing but it soon wears thin, it makes the reader wonder that with all the pictures where is the content? my least favorite weblogs are one’s with just a journal and nothing else, this is one of those and it can only entertain you so much, I think readers of this site would appreciate it if this obviously intellegent person had more to say than just quirky headlines and offbeat pop- culture refrences.