Review 88

Interesting was the first thing that popped into my head when I got to this site. It didn’t look like any of the other weblogs out there, and it didn’t read like any of them. It was different. No not bad different.

The posts were about things that no one (that I have read) has posted it about. Sure you got your computer problem posts and your party posts, but seriously who just posts random song lyrics or stories of a guy on a bike wearing a real wolf pelt? Dr Tongue does.

This is a site I would check out on a daily basis for the fact that it is so different than any others that I tend to read. You would get a quote from this site and post it on yours, or just retell a story on it to one of your friends. Check it out.The Doctor’s SoapBox

Review 87

Here is a really good website. The guys is obviously a fan of cycling by the numerous posts about the tour de france and a very big computer fanatic. I say fanatic because well he uses a Mac. And as all of us know, Mac people rule.

He has some really good linkage going for him. All relevant articles and news links to his site. He has a couple of themes running through his posts which are all different pieces of “his puzzle”

Design is really nice. He likes to use as much CSS as possible. To bad there is no easy way to do 3 column css or his site would be all done in it. Yet another really good site.Little Green Weblog

Review 92 is a group blog (as near I can tell) and the content strikes me more as a conversation between friends than something geared to the general public. Reading it is a bit like tuning into a TV show you’ve never seen before, half-way through. You spend most your time trying to figure out who is who and what is going on.

But lets focus on the positive side (unless you’re a voyeur, in which case the content IS the positive side). The design is easy to navigate; no risk of getting lost at all. The layout is good (though I’ve never cared for white text on a dark background, I’m old you see, the eyes ain’t what they used to be :P).

There are some (if you look deep enough) entertaining blogs and other things on this site. They have music lists and movie reviews and even some conversation threads (which were actually the funniest read on the site). I guess after viewing the site I’m left wondering what role as a reader I’m expected to play in it. They don’t really make clear what they are trying to accomplish and they don’t really make clear who is trying to accomplish it. I think the site will appeal to a very specific group of weblog reader’s tastes. Take a look and see if you are one of those specific readers, I wasn’t.


Review 82

This weblog is about this guys trip to Korea. The entire trip is documented here. Very interesting. He points out things in the culture that are/were going on. Lots of interesting stuff if you are interested in learning about someplace other than home and home is not Korea. I really enjoyed reading the site, and I read the entire site. This weblog you have to start at the very beginning, so click on the archive link and read it from start to finish. Very enjoyable and enlightening.Korea – A travellers journal

Review 79

At first I really didn’t understand this site. Here are a bunch of posts that were extremely well written but about the most random stuff. Then I realized that a lot of them are actually taken from other things like online books, skate boarding tips and tricks and other websites. This author goes out and finds some of the most interesting short reads and posts them on his site. Actually very cool once you understand what is going on with the site. I hope you all explore the site like I did.riley dog