This girl has a good site. Updates are really often which is always a nice thing. The site itself is designed really nice and clean which I liked. She decided that she wants to do her own ratings and what not have you. She gives all people fruit. This is very original, and she is definitely making fun of the to quote her “Any 13 year old with Photoshop award”. Good site with ease of use.Jocelyn’s Page
Month: January 1970
Review 74
Some of the best sites out there have a little catch that makes you want to come back. For some, it is pure satire, others good dhtml/css tricks, and others their posts. This site, is definite posts, but how they are done. Now you are asking, what the hell is he talking about?
Here is the formula for this site. Take one dad with a palm pilot and camera, take one baby girl (daughter), and take weblogs. Mix completely and you get shebazzle. This is a weblog through the baby and the dad. The dad thinks of what Alli is doing and posts it.
Lets look at some good examples. Alli, likes to buy “relationship books”. She also doesn’t like to be a passenger in the car and instead likes to drive. Oh yeah, what makes these posts even better? The photographs to prove these things!
Originality for perspective of the author goes to this site. I really enjoyed it and I hope you do alli — through dad’s eyes (and palm pilot)
Review 69
Why is it that there is a definite distinction between normal weblogs and those that are way above those? There never seems to be a middle ground. You either got it or you don’t.
This site has got it. Very sweet design, ease of use. Nothing flashy about it. Of course you can change the eyes at the top, just something cool.
Now the posts. They aren’t in-depth about his life, though that is what most are about. Its little things that he found odd or amusing that day that he posts. They are all very good, and because of the to-the-pointness of them, you keep wanting to read more of them. A great daily read.RedCricket
Review 65
Fairly interesting weblog. From what I could gather, this guy is a big time computer user. Spending a lot of time playing half life. Not to much I could really gather about him other than that.
The design of the site struck out as interesting to me. Originality is a definite here. I didn’t like however, how small the navigation links were. This really annoyed me. The good use of an iframe was impressive. Others have tried, but failed to do it
Review 64
I had a hard time getting into this site. Maybe it is because I have read so many different weblogs. Maybe it is because I have a higher standard for weblogs. Or maybe, I just didn’t connect with the posts? I don’t know. But I am not going to let that get in the way of this person’s site.
I really liked the layout and design. Simple black and white, and easy to understand site. He updates multiple times a day which is very nice. Ranging from many different topics, though recently about work. I also like how each day starts off with an mp3 song, but we are not able to download it. Oh well guess he doesn’t want to get in trouble with that.
Overall a better than average site. Though I had my problems getting into it, there is a good site here. I know there is, so go check it out for yourself.ackpth