It’s definatly unique. I can tell you that much. I played an exciting game called “Find the Navigation Bar, win some pride” took me a while, but hey I managed. Actually, if you are faced with the same problem as I was when I visited this site (hard time finding the nav menu) it’s right under the top ‘contemporary art’ peice with the green background.
I would also wish people would use the cellpadding feature that comes along with HTMLs table code. Not much to do on this site, not very long posts. I doubt it will keep it’s visitors, there’s nothing to do. I suppose it’s all based on opinion though. I like the layout, and graphics.
All in all, I would give this site a 3.5 because of the design structure and lack of posts. It appears that this site is slightly unfinished.
abstract outlet
Month: March 2001
Review 22
This is my first review here and I’m glad to say I got a nice site to review.
The Blog is quite interesting and funny at times however there is an alarming long
section on airports in one of her recent posts.
The layout is pretty much like a standard blog and although the colours are very plain
(cream ? and white ) it does look very nice indeed.
It doesn’t appear to be updated daily but when it is updated you can expect a lot of
text and although normally I don’t like long posts , I actually found this very
interesting. There was a section about “Night terrors” which I really enjoyed reading
about as I have had a few of these.
Might not be of interest to everyone but it is worth at least one visit.
Unpack the Luggage