My VERY first thought about this website was how beautiful the color combination was. The dark colors complimented each other very well, and it’s a very nice site to look at. The site is very nicely laid out, with an easy to navigate site and has a great look to it.
Both the font size and the font color that is used for the weblog entries could stand to be changed. The font is quite small, and since it’s done in style sheets, I can’t use my browser to increase the size, which is something I found a little frustrating. I don’t like to have my face 2 inches from my monitor to read a weblog.
There’s a brief about-the-author portion along the sidebar of the site, as well as some random art, a tagboard, some character test results, and a few other random current facts about the author.
One dozen entries. That’s all you get with this weblog. Don’t get too attached to reading from this site. After confirming this with the weblog’s author, I found that there were no archives to this site.
There’s not a lot of quality (or quantity, for that matter) to the weblog entries at hand. Basically, the entries consist of very brief narratives on what Steph (the author) may have done that day, or what she’s about to do.
As much as I hate to, I feel like I have to summarize this weblog as that of a typical teenager. If you’re in to that kind of a site and think you might have the same interests as someone that age, then by all means, check this site out.Shadow and Flame