A book review blog is kind of a hard weblog to review when you’re failing miserably at reading even just two books a month – like me. I like reviewing this type of site, though, because it gives me some more ideas of books to add to the ol’ Amazon Wish List, and for a not-so-avid reader, that’s definitely a plus.
I loved that when this site loaded, it was a very simple layout and very easy for me to find my way around. The archives were sorted by date or by category, including type of book. There are two side columns surrounding the main content, with both columns listing a plethora of information. One of my favorite additions is the bit on the sidebar that shows the book that’s currently in process.
EB is the author of the weblog and has one of the best and straight forward about sections I’ve ever read: “I’m not here (on the internet) to bore you with my personal life, or to give you my full life story. I am doing this, because I love literature & (to read) books and write about books and it is nice to give recommendations and/or reviews for other booklovers to read. I don’t pretend to be objective or only write a blurb (I don’t write for a publisher or paper etc.), but what I will give you is my humble but honest opinion.†Perfect!
The first thing I noticed with each post were the added extras to the post. For instance, the latest review done on October 16th, has lists the number of words in the post, the number of images (if any), and the estimated reading time. It’s all listed very unobtrusively, and is something I haven’t seen before.
The reviews are done in a short, but informative manner. They don’t spoil the endings of any books, but still manage to give potential readers enough knowledge to know whether or not it’s something they might enjoy. Inside each review is a link to the Amazon page where you can buy the book, and there’s also a link the author’s created suggesting if you like the review, to consider buying EB a coffee. It’s a subtle way of asking for donations, and it’s probably one of the least tacky ones I’ve ever seen.
Overall, I’m a fan of this book review blog. If I were a more diehard reader, I’d absolutely be apt to check back now and again for new recommendations.