Review 203

Warning warning! This is an adult blog! It is for those who hate those blogs written by 12-year old pubescent girls who can only talk about Nsync concerts and always write with lots of exclamation marks. It is written by an adult and deals with various topics in a calm adult manner. Which should just about piss off most blog readers.

The author of is Alex, a New Yorker born and bred. He lives there with his German girlfriend, Conny. They came to some repute recently when Evhead published a letter Conny wrote to Ev on the Blogger front page. She wrote how they both met when Conny became a reader of

The blog chronicles Alex’s adventures in New York from stories on errant cabbies to everyday city politics and how they affect him. It also chronicles Alex’s other hobbies which include *ahem* sado-masochism. Yes, that’s right. Sado-masochism. Whips, chains, that sort of thing. It isn’t as graphic as you might think. You’re not going to lose your lunch over it because Alex writes in a thoughtful and analytical manner.

If you’d like to get away from the usual kind of blogs, and want to read something substantial, this is probably the best place to go.