This is a slightly unusual site. The blog hasn’t been going for long, so it’s hard to judge how good it is, but there is a good amount of other content scattered around the place (including some funny tales, and some serious essays) to make up for the current shortfall.
So why is the site unusual? Well, it appears to discard the common blogger design aesthetic. For a start, the page is split in two by a frameset, with the navigation at the top and content below it. A lot of the documents further in open in their own window, with a different (not entirely complementary) colour scheme.
The design itself is difficult to describe properly. It isn’t advanced, neither is it minimalist. It consists mostly of pictures (the navigation frame is pictures-only, with no pop-up text to help decipher their meaning; fortunately they are mostly self-explanatory), that look like they were inspired by explodingdog.
I’ve rated this site as 2.5 out of 5 mainly because I want to reserve judgement on it. It really is too young a site to review the blog, so I have rated it in terms of the other content, which is worth a quick visit to look at.Stephanie Says