Review 3344

I knew going in that Hydroponics – Soil-less Gardening was probably not going to be an entertaining site. I have heard of hydroponics and I have read about it before. Just didn’t think it was a topic worthy of a blog.

The site loads with a modified blogger template. The template is shades of greens which I find fitting considering this is about plants. Other than the customizing of the template, there isn’t much else to say about the design of this standard two-column layout site.

The blog is, as I predicted, about growing plants in a soil-less environment. The site covers everything that you can think of and more. This includes proper mesh, ph levels, and more. I was amazed at how much work went into growing things this way.

My biggest gripe is that this site seems like it was only set up to earn money. It doesn’t read like the author enjoys his work, rather the posts are detailed and straight to the point. The site is littered with advertising which is kind of distracting. The fact that it is hosted on blogspot doesn’t help either. The site really needs a regular domain and could use a message board.

Overall this site is only good if you have an interest in hydroponics. I don’t think the author is trying to make the site a place for other people to share their ideas which I think the site could greatly benefit from. The site does what it does well, but because of the lost potential I have to give it a 2.5NULL

Review 3413

I wish there was a hybrid category for this site. It is a personal site as well as kind of a computer site. I guess that makes it a multiverse.

Shadowmyth writes from Seattle, WA, but it appears she will not be there much longer. Looks like she’s southbound to Portland Oregon. I started with her June 2007 archives. The bottom of the page says there are 15 pages of archives, but the first two pages are the only ones with content. The other pages (using and beyond) appear to be portally content through lockergnome. So I apologize if I miss any relevant entries.

The content of the blog is really random… In the month of June, we move from Firefox Extensions to Insomnia help to our author leaving home at 15 to find The Meaning of Life, to Open Source and Fashion, to tips on how to be a real friend, and a really fun sounding apple to oranges practical joke.

I like this kind of blog — the one where the author just writes what is on his or her mind… almost like magazine articles. Sitting down and reading at any point, you’re not sure what to expect. Some of the content reads like a pay-per-blog (ie: the one on bone and joint problems, the insomnia help entry, and some others) but there is no demarcation on the site stating she has been paid to write this entry, so, it could just be that random.

My favorite Shadowmyth entries are the very personal ones, like all the creeps who hit on her when she’s dancing, the how to be a friend lesson, how she has no morals, what she thinks of her kids’ experience in the public schools, and glimpses into her past. “Life has branded me with a wandering soul,” she writes. And it seems that for the past several years she has wandered, adventured, seen, existed, and now has settled down to writing about it and the tools she uses to interface with the rest of the sphere in this stage of her multiverse.

I found the writing to be really interesting but didn’t like the navigation of the archives. Overall the look and feel to the site is incredibly simple. The main pages are a gradient purple with two column layout, and clicking on an entry title opens it up in a paler blue setting. It would be nice to walk through the entries in a link to “next” or “previous” fashion, but for the most part getting back to the main page is easy.

I give this blog a 3.75 rating and change the category to personal. There is more content, and far BETTER content, within the pages that is personal instead of the computer category. And I wish her luck with her move and in her new city.NULL

Review 3408 is an interesting blog. The author takes on many different topics. The blog has been around since August of 2004 and I feel will be around for a long time to come. After reading through many of his blogs, I found the one on pay per review almost humorous considering what I was doing.

Who am I to review this blog? Will someone pay me to review something? Obviously so! Anyways I don’t know him (I am guessing him based on his about me section, but I could not find a name or anything definitive so if I am wrong I am sorry), but here I am reviewing what he has written.

The blog is laid out in a simple manner. The main part of the blog has a white background with black or dark grey letters. It has a simple red bar separating the different posts with a dark grey background. Simple, but it is actually a nice presentation. It doesn’t have distracting advertisements like so many are doing today. I hate advertisements on blogs; I don’t think Google pays that well, luckily this site just has a couple at the top.

The posts are interesting. They take on many different topics/categories: celebrities, love, drunken mistakes, hate mail, pop culture… the list goes on and on. A blog should be about many different topics so I think the author hits that on the money. The posts themselves keep the reader interested. I find his evaluations on many things a good read. It has something for everyone. Even though cheesy crackers with peanut butter got ripped in his March 27, 2007 post, I still cannot bring myself to reaching through my screen and pushing the “scrlk” button on his keyboard.

Keep in mind that this blog does have some fowl language, but it is kept to a minimum and helps to express his feelings.

I would recommend this blog to others. It appears to be thorough in topics and interestingly discussed. I give this blogger a 4 on our scale, but as he puts it who am I to review something. Keep blogging, you got my interest. My only problem is deciding what category to suggest the blog be posted under. I think I will leave it at Humor even though he talks about so many different things.


Review 3408

Pointless Banter is a site that I have heard of before, but never visited. I know I have seen links to it on other sites, and I have actually heard people talking about it. Well maybe they just said the words Pointless and Banter, but that has to count for something right?

The site opens to a nice custom design. It has a fluid rounded thing going for it for the logo and the navigation at the top which frames the advertisements nicely. I like it when blogs integrate the ads into their site rather than make them painful to stare at. The site has a 3 column layout but the 2 right hand columns are for additional information rather than have a left column and a right column. This works well for the site.

The blog is about pretty much whatever the author wants it to be. The topics range from funny items to interviews to thoughts on what happened that day. All the posts are very well written and you can see the funny side that the author is getting at.

This blog has been around for a long time. Thankfully the author has multiple ways of displaying the archives. One of the nice touches is that he has the “previous entries” style at the bottom of each page, and when clicked it tells you what page of how many.

One of the nice bonuses of the site is that the author wrote a book. The book is two years worth of his blog posts, with new introductions.

Overall I enjoyed this site a lot. The writing is great and the content is very funny. I am half tempted to buy the book as I think it would be a good read. I can’t stress how much I enjoyed this site. You should add it to your RSS reader now.NULL

Review 3409

This is a website designed and run by an outfit called First Release Homes, to link together their builders and with buyers of new homes. The look and feel of the blog actually made me laugh. The blonde most-likely-affluent woman with the construction hat on gazing dreamily up into the air as I guess she is picturing how wonderful her new home is going to look just simply cracked me up. The little finger to chin thing, the grin… ech.

It is the worst graphic ever. Moving on to the rest of the site and getting over the annoying header graphic, the blog lists out city-by-city places where you can find new release homes. This feature is hardly useful. I live in the Metro Boston area and there are two homes listed by Clayton Homes in “Boston.” But based on the photos I can honestly say those houses aren’t in Boston. I have no idea where they actually ARE. And there is a big difference if I’m shopping for the Boston Area between Revere and Quincy. So this was pointless.

The New York City section was a lot more interesting, as I stood at the base of the William Beaver house on a recent trip into the city and pondered (without construction hat and finger to my chin, but yes — looking up dreamily) what it would be like to live here. It is my favorite section of Manhattan, within walking distance to my favorite bar. If I ever have 2 million dollars, maybe I’ll buy a condo there.

The blog portion introduces new cities and builders and announces new developments. It was dull and not at all interesting.

I find no use for blogs like this. I think that First Release Home’s website is fine on its own, and they don’t need a blog at all. Plus, there are a lot more pictures of the affluent blonde woman and her somewhat younger-period Alec Baldwinesque looking husband in their five steps to home ownership.

I’m giving this one a rating of 2. NULL