Review 3195

I knew exactly what I was going to get into with husband – DJ – computer geek considering I had run a similarly named blog about 4 years ago. I knew going in that this was just going to be a personal blog about the guy who was all of those things. Sure enough when I got to the site and read the about section, I was presented with all that info and more.

Before I get into the blog I want to take a minute to talk about how a simple modification of a template can really help a site. I know I have seen this template somewhere before, but the fact that he has an original header graphic and then the colors of the site match the header graphic really tie it all in. So kudos to him for doing this.

The blog. Where to start with this blog? I have to say I enjoyed reading this blog. I was hooked the moment I read the about section actually. The author (who’s name also happens to be Brent) presents a lot of info to us in a no frills, tell it like it is with out the bs sort of way. He even says “My postings are usually short and simple but put together they become a picture of my life as a husband – DJ – computer geek.” and I could not agree more.

The posts talk about all things with his life and offer a lot of different things to look at. I enjoyed reading about his job as a stuffed animal vendor but then to read about the bowling alley was also just as enjoyable, and lets not forget that awesome looking dog of his that only drinks out of the bath tub.

As I said, I knew I was hooked from the moment that I read the about section, but two posts in particular really made it clear to me that this guy was the genuine thing when it comes to bloggers – 1st his post about winning prizes by running some banner ads at the BOTTOM of his blog. 2nd his post about filing for bankruptcy. I mean if you are going to put it all out there, you might as well put it ALL out there.

After reviewing countless blogs it is rare to find a site that I truly enjoy. With blogs there is no right and wrong. There’s only fun and boring. This one actually fits into both right and fun. I would go check this out today, then on Tuesday when you are back reading blogs from work, check it out again. I know I will.

Review 3226

Here I am, its a Saturday morning and it’s too early to get drunk yet so I hop on the net to catch up with The Web Log Review. The first site in the list today is “The Red Sneaker Diaries”, an adult/personal sex blog detailing the sexual encounters, conquests, and kinky additions to our authors life of raunch and debauch. Naturally, the tone is one of pure exhibition and you get a sense of the author’s pleasure in this. Straight away the authors legs and rear decorate my screen as a display of her recently acquired, pink knee-high boots.

Well, this sure beats the regular bag of oh-so-tediuous personal blogs filled with lengthy discourse about stuff that, I really honestly don’t care about and I don’t have any reason to care about the Red Sneaker Diaries either. However, a good set of sexy pins on the front page is a good enough hook for any red blooded male, I keep reading.

Categories include – Girl Sex, Kink, Pics, Sex, Spanking and others and appeal immediately to my baser instincts. I refrain for a minute and instead read the most recent entries including some quiet sex-in-a-house-full-of-sleeping-guests I’m sure more than a few of us can relate to. Others include a spanking so hard it breaks a wooden spoon, and other descriptive narratives for sexual encounters in various settings.

The design of the site is easy on the eye, and unlike most sex blogs is devoid of the distracting and down right annoying flashy adult ads. I am a fan of simple design and this site’s design is appealing. The site logo is very iconic with a fetish style nude wearing only red sneakers, although the pixels show and I reckon it could be cleaned up with Illustrator or some kind of vector lines to clean up the curves, its a great header though. There is a spelling error in the about section on the left and the occasional typo in some of the posts but these seem like honest mistakes and are not too frequent otherwise as the author has a good grip on the written word.

The Red Sneaker Diaries is a unashamedly sexy blog with a writing style akin to porn or romance fiction although we are led to believe this is a journal of our female authors sexual life, and we have no reason to believe it isn’t. The blogroll relates to others mentioned in her posts suggesting a nice community of sex bloggers, (One of whom has a site I’ve already reviewed!). I’m also happy to see a photography section as well as some How-to’s I’ll never need, but it helps diversify the site.

Overall a good read with some delicious post titles including “Fisting Anna”, “Women and Wax; Ice and Knives” “Anatomy of My Orgasm”, and “As My Pussy Would Say”. The Red Sneaker Diaries are well worth a visit particularly for those into spanking and domination, however it still makes interesting reading for the rest of us with enough diversity of content. The site has semi-regular updates but is very consistent and well read within the community. NULL

Review 3227

I would have to say my first impression of this site was: Oh no not another man bashing site on the internet. Then I began reading items that the author posted. I noticed some man bashing information on the blog, but the majority of the articles are simple girl talk. The site has a lot of eye candy which makes a site more appealing.

The weblog takes you into in-depth thoughts that the author has about various issues facing women. Whether it be what kind of clothes to wear or what pop culture to accept, she will discuss it all. She posts frequently which always helps a blog. There are currently 19 posts on the site and I suspect that this blog is going to be around for a while with posts occurring more than once a week on average. The authors posts are not short, so if you think you will be able to sit down and read through the blog in a short setting, I have news for you. I really enjoyed reading the articles because they were well developed and thought out.

The design of the site was simple. There is a menu bar on the side, as well as random pictures that she appears to find interesting. There are some broken links to images and something that appears to be an advertisement throughout the blog. I would recommend getting those fixed.

I feel that this site appeals to young women who are looking to read another woman’s thoughts. I felt that the site was well thought through and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I probably would not return, but I am a guy and girl talk does not appeal to me. I rate this site as a 4 due to the broken links. It would get a higher rating if these few simple problems were fixed.

Review 3238

Not another Dating Angst Blog was an interesting blog. I read through every post to date. It is a fairly new blog and I did not anticipate it having much content. I was not sure exactly what to expect for I didn’t know the meaning of angst. I did look it up and it simply means “existentialist dread.” I am not sure if this blog actually fits the description of the title. Another interpretation of the title is: “philosophical movement centered on individual existence.” Interesting enough I do feel the blog read more like a series of short stories.

The blog is simply about Joseph’s dating experiences. The topics covered so far are three girls: Laura, Ali, and a girl he had a 23 hour relationship with. He takes you for a walk through his relationships starting when he was 12 until the present. He is currently 21 and in college. So far all of his relationships he discusses are High School sweethearts. He tells a story about, Laura, a girl whom he practically drooled over for many years when all it came down to was him being put out to pasture. I would have to say I truly felt sorry for the guy, knowing the feeling of being shy and not wanting to specifically say the dreaded words: “would you like to date me?” He is currently just starting his discussion on Ali and I anticipate a lot more to come with this relationship. It appears that he learned from his first relationship and is not sure what to do at the moment.

The site has a very simple design. It has a pale yellow background with red and black text. I really liked his Title Banner, I felt it gave the site a personal feeling. He also has a picture of him on the site and a link to his blogger profile. On the right hand side, he has the same common links for blogs: recent posts, favorite posts, highlighted posts, and links to other sites.

I would say that this blog was interesting to say the least and some of the other readers of his site left comments about how good of a job he was doing describing his relationships. I feel there needs to be some more content, which I am sure he is preparing. His posts were well developed and read like a story. This blog is young, it only started in December of 2005, but it has been updated regularly. I feel his site is more of a personal reflection site. If you like reality TV shows or teen magazines, this blog might be for you. I rate this blog as a 3.75 for it does have a well developed theme and good posts using proper grammar and spell check, but I feel it needs more posts. It is still young and has great potential.

Review 3238

The site is called “Not Another Dating Angst Blog”, but guess what? Well, it is.

Joseph Jacobson, a college student, is the author of this weblog that details the past several years of his dating habits. Since the site is still so new, these dating habits include to girls during his time in high school. The entries are short and easy to read, making the site very easy to jump right into at the very beginning an read until the latest entry.

I’m a big of the layout for this site. The header graphic was made specifically for this site, and it livens up the appearance of the entire design. Normally, the pale yellow background wouldn’t be very high on my list of colors to use on the background, but Joseph coordinates the color of his entire design quite well. The layout is the very popular two column layout, where the author includes the typical blogging material – contact information, archives, other links.

The reason this site didn’t score higher is based solely on its content. Yes, it’s a content-driven site, which is wonderful. However, instead of a current weblog written about things happening in the present, this site focuses, quite obviously, on things in the past. While the subject matter is interesting, it read more like a short story, rather than a blog.

The site has great potential. It is very early on in its life in the blogosphere and the author is certainly at the age where dating can be entertaining. I’m hoping with time, Joseph begins posting about his current dating woes. Regular readers may start sticking around for a while once the content is something they can currently relate to, instead of reliving their high school dating days.