Review 3353

Tell Me Why? is the title of a series of books I had growing up in the early 70s. There were three or four books in the series, and I have one of them on my bookshelf today. As a child, I greatly enjoyed the books, and to this day remember looking out the window of the car as we drove through the night knowing why the moon was following us, all thanks to the “Tell Me Why?” books.

The blog “Tell Me Why?” is not from the same publishing company as the educational resource books of my childhood but the mission behind the blog is quite the same. Authored by an “R. Edmondson,” Tell Me Why? happily answers the little questions we all have in life, such as “Why do people burp?” and “How deep is the ocean?” The site is an easy to read and navigate blogger template, and there is little or no difficulty in getting around. R. Edmondson does not state where he’s from or how he knows all of these things, which immediately triggers suspicion on my part as a parent and a former educator.

Going back through the archives, I noticed that the October 2006 entries were put into place to establish the top level navigation topics such as Links and FAQs pages, as well as a page for webmasters to set up affiliate sites. The site is set up as an educational site, but really is a site for generating cash through affiliates and yahoo ads. Every entry has a yahoo ads section. Children who are unfamiliar with the internet will possibly be confused by why the yahoo ads are there in the first place on EVERY single entry.

Additionally, when one is looking at a site like Tell Me Why? and desires to research the topic further, one enjoys links to other resources. R. Edmondson provides links to Universal Facts, a website he also manages. There aren’t any links out to NASA or NOAA, or websites from which students should be obtaining primary source material. If I were currently an educator, I wouldn’t mind a student using Tell Me Why? to get ideas started for a paper, but doubt I would accept it as a primary source for my students’ research. The site encourages people to link to it. It would also be helpful if it linked to other sites outside of the R. Edmondson universe.

R. Edmondson states he has written all of the articles inside “Tell Me Why?”, and I have to believe he is the absolute font of all knowledge in the universe because I don’t see any sourcing for the information he presents. I find any website that does not source its content to be suspect in some way, shape or form. Additionally, there wasn’t no source information for the graphics used. As someone with a degree in technology education, I find that suspect and a not very careful way to present a site that expects other people not to infringe upon his own copyright.

Because it is fun to learn trivial things even into your 40s and because no one is giving me a scholarship to a major university based upon this “research paper,” I have to say that the content of the site was interesting enough to entertain me on a cold and rainy New England day. I give “Tell Me Why?” a 3 rating, and would encourage R. Edmondson to source his work a little better and reveal more of who he is and upon what authority he writes. That way, I can feel comfortable seeing my kids use his site to learn something.

Review 3352

Casino Pulp is a blog geared towards those who enjoy table games such as Baccarat and Poker. The layout of the site is a standard blogger template with archive pages that make it easy to get around to the historical content. The site isn’t very flashy or thrilling, with a very simple and straightforward stick figure card player adorning the top banner.

Several of the articles are in Spanish, which made reading impossible for this monolingual reviewer. The “About” page is absolutely useless in learning more about the author and the source(s) of the content. However, I did learn how to play Baccarat thanks to the “About” page. Sweet. Now I can go rake in some money at Foxwoods!

The bulk of the pulp is casino news, industry news, insider information that doesn’t really HELP the novice or n00b player get in on the games and how they’re played.

I found the site boring and borderline useless. The site has archives for April and May so there is not a vast amount of content to read and review. I am not sure what the mission of the site is, or why it is even there, in English or in Spanish, and honestly couldn’t even recommend it as a resource for anything to friends who actually are WSOP fans or card players. I give this site a 2 rating. NULL

Review 3342

Off to the world, “I’m just saying.” This blog appears to have potential. Just by the name it would appear to be a site dedicated to setting people straight, obviously after reading, this is a pretty close assumption. This 26 year old mother rocks her blog with the tone of gripe… gripe… gripe… moan… moan… moan…

Grant it that there were quite a few things I agreed with, but it appears apparent to me that this mother hits the blogs as a good form of stress relief. I did get a lot of laughter from the agony she tells through her blog. I really enjoyed her trip to the DMV, but you have to dig to get to it. Check out the January ’07 archives you will see it there.

The site is a blogger site, which she clearly doesn’t care about due to her disclaimer on the side of the blog. I didn’t like the way her archives are laid out; I found the black text not lining up where they appeared they should on the grey background with the black bar down the middle. I would make simple recommendation of updating the template for the archives areas. The main site is easy on the eyes. I mix of greys and black lettering. It is plain, but I find I like plain layouts better than some of the bright colors.

Overall, the site was an interesting read, but like I said it appears to be a place for her to relieve stress and wind down the day. It was funny, but I think that the funny part comes from most comedy coming at someone else’s expenses. She has blogged frequently since January of ’07. She claims this is another attempt so she appears to have been in the blogging world a lot longer than her archives show. There are some grammar mistakes, but overall the blog is a simple read. I would recommend this for family and friends to see what new sarcastic experience that she has to comment on next.

Review 3360

First things first, – a name of Adults Exotica should easily imply that this site is for adults only. So you must be 18 or older in the US and I am not sure what the age is every place else. I think it is just tall enough to see the bartender… Wait that’s for booze outside the US. Anyways, fair warning, this site is totally NSFW and should be treated as such.

With that said, lets get onto the review. I knew right away that this was going to be an adult blog. Most of the adult blogs I have seen are in the form of here are pictures and/or videos now go click on one of my sponsor or sign up for this porn site. While these types of sites probably do well from an income point of view, attracting and keeping visitors probably not so much.

This blog is different. The posts are written by someone who has a sense of humor and likes to show case it. There are some posts which are total sales pitches, but for the most part, the author posts funny or shall we say interesting items.

The design of the site is nothing to scream home about. It has a green background with green highlights and white text. It is in the standard fill your screen two column layout and has an original logo. While the design does work for the site, I find it rather uninspiring.

The archives are an issue with this blog. The author has decided on the good old calendar method (pun intended) for keeping track of the archives. Personally I do not like this method and prefer all the archives to be linked via a monthly list.

Overall the site is entertaining. There are some good jokes in the site which made me laugh out loud. It is very easy to stay away from the sales pitches that are there, but they don’t happen that often. It is apparent that the author enjoys posting to the blog rather than trying to make a quick buck. A fix of the archive system and a fresh design and this site could do really well.NULL

Review 3360

As a warning, I would suggest not reading this site while at work, unless you’re IT department happens to be okay with pictures of women in thongs and men with giant testicles. Having said that, I did this review while visiting my folks, meaning I was constantly looking over my shoulder the whole time. Sorry, pops, for the porn in your browser history.

Adults ExoticA has a tagline of “Exploring the weird, wonderful and exotic, adult world of sex” and it’s the best description there is for the content on this site.

The site is organized by category, which includes topics like Sex Poems, Reviews, Jokes, and Sex Toys to name a few. If you know the type of post you’re looking for, this is ideal. But being a new reader to this blog, I wanted to read it from the beginning. The calendar on the sidebar of the site made it quite cumbersome to find when and where the site first started.

Most of the images that are posted are ones that I’ve seen passed around as an email forward here and there, and several of the links leading to other sites seem to have a referral code of some sort, meaning the webmaster of Adults ExoticA is making money every time someone clicks them.

The layout is simple two-column layout and it’s sufficient enough for this type of site. Obviously, the main focus of the blog doesn’t have anything to do with a flashy design, but the white text on a black background does make it hard to read for some.

Overall, it’s an entertaining read. It’s definitely unlike any other blog I’ve read, and while I did enjoy my time spent browsing through Adults ExoticA, I can’t see myself coming back to visit on a regular basis.