Review 3380

Ambatchmasterpublisher sounds like something my son wants me to say five times fast these days.

Try it. Ambatchmasterpublisher. Ambatchmasterpublisher. Ambatchmasterpublisher.

Visiting this blog, you will see that word printed all over the screen eighty million times. So much so that you’ll think it is the only word our blog author knows.

From what I gather, after my head exploded from so many Ambatchmasterpublishers thrown up in my face, this is some sort of blog tool or marketing tool or something. I don’t know. Essentially, I ran screaming from the site.

Color scheme is blogger white and blue. Basic, simple, painless. That’s all it has going for it. I still don’t know what this site is for and don’t plan on returning to really find out.


Review 3390

I changed the category for Hormones-Beauty-Health to Business. This is a marketing site run by an affiliate for a company (, and in their own words they are “a progressive distributor of women’s healthcare and beauty products.”

Progressive? Like Progressive like Liberals leaving the democratic party because it is too conservative? Good gracious I hate the overuse of the word “progressive” all across the globe these days. I’m not sure what makes them “progressive.” They certainly aren’t “radical” or “revolutionary.” At least they don’t come across to me in any way that could match up with a definition of progressiveness.

Anyway — the Hormones-Beauty-Health website is filled with feature articles on Women’s Health Care, from Skin care (adult acne, aging, post-menopausal problems) to general health care (stress, eating disorders, post-partum depression)and Emu Oil…. which I believe is something they really are into at Hormones-Beauty-Health.

The site is a gentle pinkish brown and white with standard blue underlined links in the Arial font. It is very easy to navigate, very light on graphics, and truly an “informational” site with dozens of articles on all kinds of health, hormonal and beauty topics.

In their top bar navigation (which is dark pink text on light pink background, slightly hard to read on my flat-screen monitor so i had to punch up the contrast a bit) there is a blog category so I went there to see what was being blogged.

It is a WordPress driven blog, header banner with standard two column layout. The colors of the banner are completely different than that of the marketing site. I would suggest html code of “target=blank” off of the Hormones-Beauty-Health page to launch people out of the marketing site and open up a new window for a page so completely different in scope than the rest of the site.

This page is located at for those following along at home. It is an easy to read and navigate blog, with somewhat repetitive information from the Hormones-Beauty-Health main page. There is an entry examining other blogs and their popularity, links to a favorite blog or two, some free recipes from a “sponsor” (which strangely enough links back to a sub-page in Hormones-Beauty-Health).

The “about” page inside the blog still holds the original WordPress content for ‘this is your about page, you can write here about yourself.’ I highly suggest that be edited because it looks silly to leave that with the default content.

The blog site is very simple and easy to navigate. The header banner is much nicer than the header for the marketing site at Hormones-Beauty-Health.

Blog archives go back to December 2005 but there is mostly one blog entry for the each of the first several months of the blog’s existence. It seems that the blog is now being used more often to promote the main corporate site as the recent months have a lot more content. The earlier months’ content seems to be repeated in some way on the Tips page for the main marketing site of Hormones-Beauty-Health and so I’m wondering — why blog at all if everything is over on the marketing site?

Everything seems cyclical and points back to the main page eventually. I think this is all a big online marketing site for people to get some advice on psoriasis or other skin and aging issues so they can buy … Arbonne! There are links to the skin care company Arbonne within blog entries as another “sponsor” to We know from the beginning About page in the main site that IHD is the progressive affiliate for another company, obviously Arbonne International.

Everyone I know right now is selling Arbonne. They want me to host parties and will give me 300 dollars off or free shipping to everyone who orders from my party… all my friends are trying to climb an inner corporate ladder to become regional sales manager or district sales director for Arbonne.

None of them have a webpage.

Overall, the tips and advice are interesting. Everyone is trying to make money on the internet, and Arbonne is a growing business. Our blog author is using the web to promote his/her business and hopefully drum up some sales. I wish him/her the best of luck.

I have no real intention of revisiting the blog, but the Hormones-Beauty-Health page did have some good content that I may refer back to. I give the site a 2.75 rating. NULL

Review 3378

Webcasting Business Model is a site dedicated to the business models of webcasting. Obviously quite a niche market, but the author attempts to corner that market. The biggest problem is the lack of content. Looking through the archives shows that the entire site only hosts thirteen articles since 2005. Beyond the sparse content however, there is quite a bit here for those interested in business models in general. Mostly in the form of links to related sites, but there are also book recommendations, videos and even a small glossary/dictionary.

I don’t admit to being an expert on business models, but the authors seem educated and well written. Each article is concise, topical and interesting. The authors touch on everything webcasting and business models from trends and predictions to straight-up news. The blog is also meant to be a place to provide updates for a book edited by two of the authors.

This blog is hosted by Google’s blogspot, and uses one of the basic designs. So, there’s not much to look at when reading this blog. On the upside, that can be seen as a strength so as not to detract from what content is there.

My overall impression is that this blog is more of a side project for the authors. It feels unfinished and in progress. If I were interested in business models or wanted to find out more information, this would be a good starting point. I wasn’t blown away by this blog, but certainly not turned off either.NULL

Review 3386

Our blog author Sergey has put together a website filled with code that is supposed to help me master

The thing is, I don’t know what is.

There are five or so entries in the blog, all of which are code for “Deploying a SQL Database to a Remote Host.” The thing is, unless you already know what is and does, and you already have an idea and application for this process, you’re not going to ever need this blog.

Sergey does not include entries on what is, what it does, what the practical applications are for this process. Unless you are already versed in what to do, this blog is unnecessary.

The layout and colors are nice. The blog navigation is difficult because the archives and the “About” are all the way at the bottom of the page instead of in a sidebar navigation pane. Sergey doesn’t say too much about his expertise or himself in the “About” but there are three other empty blogs listed in his blogger profile. I am not sure if he intends to actively write about programming in the future, or just cut and paste code and screenshots up for the world.

It would be nice if the blog was expounded upon with ideas for what people can do with, before being told how they can master it.

Review 3384

The Broken Credit Blog is a clearinghouse of information specifically housed to help advise people with bad credit situations. The blog is written by individuals who register for the blog, and they share their stories and solutions.

Usually, these individuals are industry professionals, and not just random cranks who talk about how they stuck it to Bank of America with a protest letter or something. Although, there are plenty of first-hand experience stories from people who had a very nasty time with creditors.

The site is incredibly easy to navigate, is updated frequently (I reviewed the page over the course of two weeks and there were almost daily updates to the site). There are tons of archives, and the information is helpful and interesting. The site is not flashy, a very simple white background with easy to read navigation, archives by month and by category topic, and an RSS feed for those who wish to subscribe.

The Broken Credit Report blog offers a link for obtaining a free credit report, a form for users to generate their own dispute letter, a huge help center, and online seminars. There are tons of archives to go through too, which is great because there are so many blogs that I get to review that have … six entries. Hard to review six entries folks. Here, they offer interesting bits of advice on how to raise your credit score, advice given to clients on how to clean up credit, comforting and encouraging bits about identity theft and dealing with that problem.

All told, the advice and the first hand experience stories were all a pretty interesting read for what I thought would be kind of a dry topic, or a complete and total “shell” of a blog hawking someone’s business services. Obviously there is a business behind this website (located in Las Vegas…), but it seems that they are willing to share a lot of information that normally you would think would cost you an arm and a leg. And that’s pretty cool… considering that so many Americans get into such horrible credit situations, and can use all the free and honest advice they can get.

The About page cites the New Testament with a quote from the Book of Matthew:

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

I believe our blog authors ascribe to this philosophy and present the information in this blog with a generosity that only grows from someone who truly wants to do good works for other people to glorify God. So indeed — Hats off to the authors for being generous with their content. I hope this kind of generous business practice blesses them with actual clients that can keep them going and generating this service for free.

I would highly suggest that in addition to the words of Matthew, our authors include this quote from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet:”

Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.

While it is necessary to borrow money for mortgages (because really, who has $500,000 in the bank to just up and buy a house these days…) it is important to not dig that hole too deep. Lord Polonius was right in his advice to Hamlet — be honest, work hard, and do the best you can. And you may not find yourself stuck with bad credit in the end.

I give this site a 3.5, because it was chock full of information and not a shell to suck me into a business sales site. I think it is incredibly helpful to people who need to learn how to clean their credit house, and would highly recommend it to friends struggling with problems which are addressed here.