Review 145

A very well done web site. Kyouki has a very nice look, and the structure and navigation are well executed. The time spent in making and maintaining the site is reflected by the long time I spent looking at it.

The weblog content was full of interesting anecdotes, articles, pictures, and links. The author writes the entries well, and obviously puts a lot of time and thought into each post. So many weblogs these days contain short, trite entries when the author runs out of ideas. Kyouki has good entries every time.

Probing deeper into the site, I found more interesting links and info. The author has spent a lot of time collecting lists to funny, odd, and random websites.

Kyouki is definitely a site worth checking out. I was duly impressed with everything from the layout and design to the content and information offered.Kyouki

Review 136

A highly resource intensive-site used as a showcase for tricks with Flash and dhtml. The site crashed my browser on my laptop, so I had to come back and check it on my desktop. Not a very good sign if a wide audience is the goal.

The weblog links to Flash games and animations the author has created. I’m not really a fan of chasing dots around the screen with my mouse, or voting for the button that moves the coolest way when clicked, so this site was quite disappointing. The flash is done well, but it’s nothing that hasn’t annoyed me before.

Not much in the weblog that is of use unless you want to see what the author can do with flash.

Annoying colors, browser crashing popup windows, and loads of Flash is what is in store for you if you visit Koert. koert

Review 178

Chuck is a surfer and Pongo his dog, and this is their blog. Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a mess, certainly design-wise. From the first page, and a warning about malfunctioning JavaScript, to wondering where the links lead and if there’s any discernible hierarchy, the site is a struggle. Which is a shame, because it’s not often you have a blog written by one man and his dog. Hell, there even used to be a TV show called that here in England.

Once you get as far as the blog, things do brighten up. The design is lacking, but the blog, the focus of the site yet sadly hidden behind an unassuming link, is worth reading and is entertaining. The posts are occasionally comments about news headlines or links elsewhere, but a refreshingly large number are more than that.

It’s a shame the design is so chaotic, but if you can look beyond it, there is a decent site underneath it all.

Chuck & Pongo’s Organized Anarchy

Review 194

The writer at Chicks Dig UNIX is a guy called Cliff, who is honest enough to admit to not wanting to be a web developer. It takes a brave man to say that these days. Instead, he’s studying to become a systems administrator.

The blog itself is mildly interesting, although he has a tendency to rattle through unimportant details (eg “I bought and ate a slice of pizza on the way home even though I have a pizza in the freezer.”) whenever he doesn’t have anything more important to say.

Design wise the site is okay, but not particularly inspiring. I don’t think the layout fits the content: the posts are too long to have so much page width devoted to them, and that coupled with the lack of gaps between paragraphs leads to tired eyes a little too quickly.

There is some good stuff, and feeds from The Register and Slashdot help spruce things up a little. chicks dig unix

Review 185

A quite strange blog in itself, it bases most of the content around one theme: computer stuff. Unless you are a tech geek, it gets pretty boring. It’s sad, because when the blogger strays from the topic, the posts are…good. The design is good, easy to get around, and simple. Simple being a good thing. The score would’ve been much lower, if not for extra content, which I found at least somewhat entertaining.grep computer(s)