Review 3576

Thought Smash is one of the more interesting websites that we have had the pleasure of reviewing recently. It’s a very interesting concept that is part review and opinion site and part social media destination. After a fast registration users can leave their opinions about movies, music, products, people, shows, games, politics, religion, romance, food and tech, as a way of sharing their thoughts with the whole internet. Even short comments are welcome, so the site already includes opinions about a remarkable range of topics. In addition to being a place to leave your own thoughts on a given topic, you naturally can leave comments on threads that other Thought Smash users have created.

One of the best things about Thought Smash is that the site is totally intuitive to navigate. Whether you want to simply look at opinions left by other people on any of the available topics or you can’t wait to broadcast your own opinions on the latest hit song, etc. it only takes a minute to interact with the site.

One thing that is necessary for a site like this to succeed is to have as many users as possible leaving comments as well as creating new thread topics on which they leave their thoughts. Thought Smash is a relatively new site but it already has multiple comments left on almost every thread that has been created so far. This leads me to believe that user adoption of the site is high and a community built around Thought Smash is well on its way to existence.

I would definitely suggest bookmarking the Thought Smash site as a fun new place to interact with people and make your voice heard. It’s a lot of fun to share and debate your thoughts with the world out there, and I predict that this site will catch on quickly. In terms of both the basic concept of the site as well as the execution of the idea, we here at The Weblog Review think Thought Smash is a winner. NULL

Review 3679

One problem had by a business engaged in a technical field is that of simply conveying the intricacies of the service that it offers other businesses or consumers, while ensuring that its website does not alienate potential customers by getting so bogged down in technical details that the overall branding and marketing thrusts of the site are obscured. is the website of First American Plastic Molding Enterprise, a company that does custom plastic injection molding and in my opinion it does a superior job of clearly conveying the areas of expertise it has, in a way that is visually engaging and well-suited to turning website visitors into paying clients.

The website is built on Drupal, which is the content management system favored by many small businesses for its flexibility and the ease with which one can create an engaging Web presence with it, while allowing for easy incorporation of a blog area into websites as well.

First American has a great job with Drupal in this case by using first-rate images to very clearly explain what it can do for businesses that need complex plastic injection molding of parts and tooling. The blog area features press releases and news about the company that can only serve to increased its authority in the minds of site visitors and amplify its branding.

In recent years we’ve seen a huge move by businesses to adopt what used to be thought of as blogging tools and formats to get their message across.

Weblogs are no longer solely the domain of personal bloggers, and as anyone who is searching for a company that can help them with plastic injection molding can attest, is an outstanding example of this trend.NULL

Review 2

Wicked Intellect has to have one of the best designs I have ever seen. The page itself loads so incredibly fast and it looks really smooth. The owner doesn’t update it daily, however the links that he puts up are to some really good and intriguing sites. In addition to his weblog, he has some flash projects that are very well done. Wicked Intellect

Review 18

The author of this site admits that he stole everything for his site other than content. He wrote it all so he couldn’t have stolen it. Design, stolen from a free template. He also decided that since he was bored, he was going to cramp as much information as he could into it. Well he did. I love all the information that he provides on the right column. Also he decided to have a faq page in addition to his about me page. Both are interesting. This guy gets mad props for his originality of content. Hopefully this review will help him achieve his goal of 100 hits a day.Free Dexter – Warm Faith|2

Review 76

I really liked what the author was writing about. Mainly it was weird dreams he had. Man those are weird. Very detailed and very good. I wish I could remember my dreams when I woke up.

The design of the site is small. Very small. Its only about 600 by 250 or so. Very small, but it works very well for the site. Navigation is very easy to figure out.

Also he updates his weblog a lot. Short little posts, many times a day.FreeSand