All any good blog site needs is two very important components in my opinion, interesting posts that are easy to read and a nice, pleasant design that is comforting to the eyes and not distracting. Dutch in Denmark seems to have covered these two areas very adequately so I thought myself lucky to be able to review such a well-put together weblog.
Not coming from Denmark, nor being Dutch, I guess a lot of the content went straight over my head that I simply couldn’t relate to, but it doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy reading the blog. With the World Cup on at the moment I wasn’t surprised to see quite a few references to the big event, and being a mad football fan myself I’ll admit here and now that won me big points with the author. Also with both us being Dutch national team supporters I’m not ashamed to say I was glued to reading some of the posts, but occasionally blogs are like that, if it has a subject matter your interested in they can be rather addictive.
I really like this design, especially the area under the posts where you can view people comments in a smaller font, a fantastic idea. The colour scheme works very well to, nothing too bright, and it all pretty much compliments well together. Navigation through the site is also a no fuss, simple list of links on the right-hand side that is easily assessable. Well-sized pictures and fonts also help make the blog look rather tidy.
There are certainly a lot of extras to this site apart from the main weblog, including a bio (which you should all know by now I’m a huge fan of), photos, links and a guest book among other things. It certainly would take a fair while to plough through all the information here, but its all good and if your interested you may come across some pleasurable links here and there.
Hard to find anything to improve upon though I guess the length between archives is rather long (roughly every 10 posts) which may not seem a lot but there is plenty of filling in each update. Saying that, it didn’t bother me in the slightest until I tried to find something I could comments about, I’m sure you’d come to the same conclusion.
All in all a terrific site, without being over the top, and I took pleasure in reviewing this site. If you like the idea of living in Denmark (or Europe for that matter), not to mention like the odd tad bit of football news at the moment, then I recommend you add Dutch in Denmark to your list of bookmarks. I give the site a 3.5 out of 5. And I’m sure the Netherlands will be there in 2006!
Dutch in Denmark