Review 1589

Instantly, I loved the domain name for this site – The potential the domain name alone has is limitless.

When you are “Here in Reality”, you’re in one huge site. The general idea of this site is a new/links site that guides readers to the daily news, sports, deaths, or other bizarre happenings that the author of the site had deemed important enough to share at Here in Reality.

The Webmaster’s Blog, which is featured on the main page of the site, is the only portion of the weblog where the author exhibits some type of personal interjection to the links that Leigh Ann shares with readers. She really does a nice job of covering just about every aspect of current events, which is sometimes not an easy task.

A really neat addition to this site is the “Keyword Headline Feeds” where you can search a giant news database for any current news involving whatever keyword you should choose. Quite a neat little tool!

I really can’t get over how extensive this site is. It’s HUGE. While still visiting “Here in Reality”, I played a game of checkers (and won!), tried to see a Freddie Prinze Jr. striptease (no such luck, though), saw that even Yasmine Bleeth looks like crap in her driver’s license picture, and experienced my first (and probably last) javascript religious experience. I kept going throughout the site and found a little tribute to the “Dude, you’re gettin’ a Dell” kid, and some helpful survival links for just about every kind of threat of a natural disaster.

The design of the site is very simple, but with a site that focuses solely on current events, news, etc., there’s really no need for anything flashy or special. The current layout is a really good choice for the site.

You can really spend tons of time at this site, and while there’s plenty of news for you to catch up on, there are also some fun things to take in while you’re visiting “Here in Reality”.

Most of the entries throughout the site consist of just the link to the actual news article, and an excerpt from that specific link. While it does intrigue one to click to read the full article, I personally would have liked to read some personal thoughts or feelings by the author. Of course, that perhaps is not the purpose of this site, so I didn’t let that affect my overall rating of “Here in Reality”.Here In Reality