The first thing I thought upon opening The Journey was that this was a site of very little interest. All the entries seemed to be links to other sites with not even a comment about the link. I then attempted to look at the archives, to see if the author, Trish Lewis had anything more to say. The first four months of archives weren’t there. Not good. Finally, I found something, and began to read.
The weblog consists mostly of Trish talking about things that are important to her. This includes her family, religion, current affairs, and blogging itself, with many links to outside articles on the subject. Trish seems to be writing for herself first, and others second, meaning that some entries are not as interesting as others, how ever most make for a good read.
A pretty standard Blogger template is used, but that suits the site, as it is about content rather than looking good. One criticism I have is that the content of the site is very hidden – I clicked the Who am I link expecting to find nothing more than a short about page, and instead found a whole other part of the site. This index page is not very well laid out, but contains links to a number of interesting things, such as poetry and photographs. Again, these pages aren’t very well designed (one picture is a .bmp file, for example), but the content makes up for that.
I would recommend this weblog to people interested in subjects listed above, and those only interested in content, not layout, as the design detracts from the entries. If you can see through that to the writing inside, then this weblog is for you.
The Journey