Review 1615

I was hoping I would get into this site, but sad to say it wasn’t the blog that got my attention.

The layout for “paranoise” is kinda funky. There’s a bit of some blinking action going on that it becomes distracting, especially the little flashing boxes next to each new post that is written. The last thing I want to see when reading a site in general is blinking things. The title is made with Macromedia and again has flashing little letters, jiggling along the side of the blog which I thought were supposed to lead me to other parts of the site, but they didn’t.

Blog wise … the posts are fairly short; a few sentences everyday. I didn’t get a sense of who this twenty-something male was from Canada. Though I guess it’s good he updates almost everyday, but they’re more like brief updates informing the reader what music he’s listening to, what he did the night before, a few internet links here and there, and so on.

In addition to the blog, there are links to music, other blogs, a weekly song you can listen to and an “insight” section which I found most interesting to read. It had reviews, trips and more which give you more to read than his blog. I wish his blog was more like this.

Overall, this site was mediocre, nothing really too much to rave about. paranoise