My initial impression was a long, low — Whoa!! followed by an appreciative
pause. Some really good design and layout on this site.
Since this blog is new the navigation is yet fairly simple. There are links
to a bio, a links page, a guestbook, etc. on the left, but the blog entries are
all right on the main ‘news’ page.
This is a personal blog, with entries typical of that genre. It has the less
wordy flow of your average ‘guy’ blog (girls tend to say much more about
themselves) but does get into the author’s hobbies (college, gaming, hip-hop,
What makes a personal blog good (well, in my opinion, anyway) is how well the
author allows the reader into their mind and life. This blog has a good
beginning, but the author needs to improve his writing style so that we’re not
having to run after him so much (as in trying to figure out what he’s saying) as
well as tell us more about what’s going on. What was the argument with the
friend about? Was this a guy friend or a girl friend? Believe it or not, your
average reader wants to know these things, why else would we be there. Some
people might call in voyeurism, I prefer to think of it as the natural desire we
all have to bond with others, to get to know people and like them. I got to know
Sean (the author of this bog) a little bit, and liked what little I saw. A blog
is an amazing tool for letting all those unnamed, faceless potential friends get
to know you better.
For now it’s a little shallow on the personal bit, but since it’s a new blog
that could very well change. The potential is certainly there.