Review 2125

“Bad Girl” is an anonymous blog hosted on, a location that I have personally found rather unreliable in the recent past. The color combination of the page is little to write home about (maroon and shades of yellow/orange) and it’s tiring to the eye. There is no information about the owner, no links but one, no FAQs, no “about me” section, nothing, except a guest book and a button for “say something.” This is one “Bad Girl” talking about her “daily miseries and sex experiences.” And what a miserable blog it is.

Posts are few and far between (the latest on 09/12, the one immediately prior on 08/16, and so on and so forth). BG doesn’t bother all that much… but when she does write, she’ll be most likely writing about sex.

I know enough people who would call BG’s sex musings “pure trash.” I am not very far from using just about the same expression.

But let’s not forget that the Internet, according to statistics, is nearly 70 percent sex, with the remaining 30 percent left for all other endeavors combined. I wouldn’t be surprised then if I’d learn that “Bad Girl” has a loyal and thirsty audience. Posts talking about genitalia in general or lesbian intercourse in the shower can be a sure magnet for a certain classification of Web surfers.

The writing? Ah, the writing…. Who cares about the writing when there’s “substance” of “the other” kind.

If all this sounds unforgiving, it is. There is nothing that I found attractive about this blog, but I would highly recommended it to WWW voyeurs and any of the associated tribes frequenting BloggerLand, I’m sure….

BG gets a rating of 1 with no qualms about it. Simply don’t bother — but if you’re curious (or belong to the above mentioned ‘communities’) go see for yourself.

Bad Girl