The first thought that crossed my mind when I loaded up #include {web.Log} was that this site wasn’t designed for the everyday blog reader. From a technical aspect, the site is optimized for a 1024 x 768 resolution. Many viewers are still running 800 x 600, and the need to scroll to the right to completely view the weblog was an annoyance. The design of the site is pleasant, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary.
The programming syntax in the title of this weblog led me to the conclusion that #include {web.Log} was going to be a very computer oriented site. Although this was true in certain aspects of the site, such as starting blog entries with “opening connection” and ending them with “closing connection”, the content of the site is fairly diverse. The author talks about everything from socks on Ebay to his school textbooks. Nevertheless, the general theme in this blog is that of criticism. The author brings together different articles he finds and attacks them. As far as the quality of this criticism, I admire the author’s ability to transcribe his thoughts in a clear and presentable manner. As I read the weblog, I wasn’t lost in complex ideas and thoughts. Quite the opposite, I was able to easily follow the thoughts and opinions of the author. Unfortunately, the author’s thoughts and opinions were the only way to learn about him. His “about” link opens up a small window with cryptic information. I realize this lends to the cyber-crazed identity seen throughout the site, but I would have liked to have seen a little more biographical info.
One of the things I liked about #include {web.Log} was the way that the title of each post is written. The title of the post is written over the date and time it was written. Yes, I realize this is a minor aspect of the blog, but this method of presenting the title adds a unique flair to the design. The author uses software to write his blog which utilizes modules, or blocks of information, on the site. This makes the site easy to navigate, but draws away from individuality.
Should you visit #include {web.Log}? I say ‘yes’. However, I recommend you visit the site more for a chance to find some interesting articles than to read the author’s criticism. Despite all of the intriguing things I learned from this blog, I still missed out on one of the most important aspects of a weblog – the author.