Review 2697

Wow.. the American blogger; this must be something – that’s a big claim.

The site has a menu page which leads to the various areas of the site. It links to the blog, photos, links, a guest book, FAQs and a Dallas Cowboys section. It looks good. Not all sections are complete; especially those concerning America’s team.

The design of the blog section is great. Simple and straight forward, easy to read, a great banner. There is a right hand side panel with links to the various parts of his site, his photos (and there are some great photos), other blogs and the perfunctory archives, previous posts and a search facility.

The links work and open in the same window. There is a comments resource which is often full of banter with James’ like minded readership.

The blog has been in existence only a short time since April 2004. He posts reasonably regularly and the posts are varied. Movie reviews is his main stay but he has diverse interests and diverse styles of presenting his opinions or snippets of information.

I made a big mistake which I hope not to repeat in future; I checked out this guy’s photo. Sometimes you can intuit a sense of someone’s personality from their photo and it happened here. James is a real nice guy. How can I be mean about a real nice guy? My daughter says I can’t and I’ve got to agree with her.

I get that sense from his writing too. His prose is not particularly wonderful. I’m not overly fond of some of his use of the vernacular. I’m not a slut or at least don’t appreciate being called one. I really couldn’t get too interested in the majority of his posting. I have very little interest in trivia, pizza or American sports. His film reviews were short but generally on the button, by which I mean I agreed with his opinion. However there is feel good factor here. He really is a nice guy. I also laughed out loud on a couple of occasions – I really did.

All you hip young trendy gunslingers will love James perhaps. He is fun and friendly and doesn’t really have a purpose. That’s no bad thing. Peace and love to the Big Dog… three out of five.
American Blogger