What A Beautiful Day is an extremely simple blog visually. I wonder if this is the simplest blogspot template available? Green header and white background. The text portion is quite wide and dominates the page. The author has been blogging here for one year.
This blog is mainly what I would describe as a kind of spiritual journal. There are entries about her family and a new house that her husband built for them, but mostly it centers around insights she is having in her life. There are descriptions of religious services she attended and what she learned from them and bible verses with commentary on what they mean to her. It is an intensely personal place where her faith is unabashedly displayed. The writing is straightforward and understandable, albeit with some grammatical errors here and there.
The only other thing on the page is a dated archive list, a moderate list of her favorite bloggers and a few web tool sites. No frills. Our author does not seem to be interested in the way the blog looks, but has her focus elsewhere.
This site would appeal to a Christian audience, or anyone curious about the inner spiritual life of a person of that faith.