Review 297

When jadedju first loaded, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. The background is a rather unique and unidentifiable picture. There’s a picture of a blowfish up top, and the menu is on the right side for a change. If I had to content was going to be like before reading, I would guess that it would show a lot of creativity without being completely zany.

As I began reading the blog entries, I found myself searching for a common theme in her writings, but I couldn’t. The first entry was very thought provoking. The next had almost no content at all. The next was funny, and after that a post that I honestly didn’t find interesting at all. There was a post that only made sense to a few select people (although she apologized for this, which hints that she normally writes for strangers). Overall, though, the posts are interesting, and kept me reading well into the archives without having to remind myself that I needed to in order to write this review.

The design of jadedju is rather simple. There’s nothing to complain about, but there’s nothing to write home about either. A few of the links at the bottom of the page point to pages outside of jadedju, but make up for some of the more noticeable omissions on her own site, such as an explanation of who she is, and why she blogs.

This site is almost entirely general purpose. The only thing worth mentioning that makes this site possibly a no-visit for some people would be that the author is a lesbian. The fact is not driven into every post, and even close-minded people wouldn’t know this unless they read a good bit of the site, but it is worth mentioning for the close-minded that won’t want to read it.

The design is clean, and works, but somehow fails to feel complete. I get the impression that so much more could be done. Something just doesn’t feel right. The entries are on average better than most, but the quality fluctuates a lot.JadedJu