Things didn’t really get off to a good start when I first visited this site. It was a basic blogger template and an anomaly somewhere in the code resulted in me having to side scroll across the screen to fully see the navigation bar which contains varying amounts of addons that don’t really fit in with the colour scheme being used in the template.
The author, “PHDMONKEY” is a PHD Student studying Neuroscience and living in the UK. From reading his first blog entry though, we learn that he was originally from Scotland, but now lives in England which probably results in a “dodgy” accent! Reading up through the blog, we see that the author has many pet hates, one of which being people he bumps into as it results in him having to apologise, something he doesn’t seem to like doing!
The authors most recent post at the time of writing this review was a very interesting one. It started out rather innocently with the author suggesting a new religion called “soapism”. “Soapism?” I hear you cry, yes, soapism! Soapism isn’t like other “complex, monotheistic, dogmatic religions” and doesn’t really warrant any rules except the fact that if you’re good in life you get to Hollyoaks when you die and hang out with all the cast members for all eternity, however if you’re bad, you’ll go straight onto the set of Eastenders where you’ll have the opportunity to speak to actors and actresses who have gone past their sell by date!
From that post, it’s clear to see that the author has a rather dark sense of humour… my sense of humour. For that reason, I found this blog to be very interesting content wise and the posts never failed to entertain me. It’s only a shame that the blog doesn’t appear to be very popular!
To bring a close to this review, I would like to emphasise the quality of the posts! They really are excellently structured and well worth the read. If you didn’t have to look at some out of place plug ins then the blog would be surely capable of a solid 5/5!NULL