What an interesting blog! Every now and then you come across a blog which is earnest and sincere to the point where you know the author has true conviction. In the case of Alabama Improper, a patriotic southern girl lets it rip.
She espouses her conservative catholic values, which can sometimes seem contradictory as religious dogma often does, but she does it unashamedly denouncing premarital sex in one post, and singing pro-war sentiment in the next. Although it makes my left-wing blood boil, its this kind of free speech that we all have to value and that really emphasizes the unique nature of the blogosphere.
Interestingly, despite being a devout and pious catholic, wife and mother, she swears like a salty sea dog! She writes well and I cannot fault her relaxed style which is consistent and strong but the blog often tends towards local clubs, sport or events so true to the site name, it really is an Alabama blog with a global audience to bear witness to some southern comfort.
The site is easy on the eyes, although the header photo is somewhat blurry and odd looking, the layout is familiar blogger fare and extremely long, with an exhaustive list of blogs, and patriot logos littered over the right hand side.
If strong right wing, liberal Americana rants by an ultra-conservative southern catholic girl is your cup of tea, Alabama Improper will do it for you. The authors combination of political opinion, religious fervor and almost fundamentalist pro-south zealotry certainly make interesting reading.