Kai is a lovely name isn’t it? Its a kind of quirky, not your usual kind of name. This Kai is a 28 year old guy from Dallas and despite his non-biblical name his blog is pretty standard as far as blogs go. He has a flickr photostream to host photos, a straight blogger template and fairly typical posts about observations, complaints etc. The subtitle for the site is “A BLOG TO POST COMMENTS ON MY DAILY LIFE, MY OBSESIONS, DESIRES, PLANS, AND MY BAD HABITS”
There are some interesting posts, and I enjoy reading about how much worse the crime rate is in his hometown compared to mine as he discussed a rather scary looking map plotting of crimes near his place. He also talks a fair bit about what he is doing, who he is meeting and lengthy interpretations about SMS messages he is receiving. His latest post is about his drive to work. His writing style is almost like a casual email to a friend.
Kai is an analyst who has recently started a new job and moved into a new house. He complains about his neighbors, his work and one post about Thanksgiving alludes to his sexuality, which of course doesn’t change my opinion and if any, increases the interest factor of this personal blog.
Despite it all though, I just can’t get excited about Kai’s site. I think his friends and family (neighbors and work-mates) would probably find this online aspect of their friend rather interesting, but for the rest of us there is nothing to see here. NULL