Review 3360

As a warning, I would suggest not reading this site while at work, unless you’re IT department happens to be okay with pictures of women in thongs and men with giant testicles. Having said that, I did this review while visiting my folks, meaning I was constantly looking over my shoulder the whole time. Sorry, pops, for the porn in your browser history.

Adults ExoticA has a tagline of “Exploring the weird, wonderful and exotic, adult world of sex” and it’s the best description there is for the content on this site.

The site is organized by category, which includes topics like Sex Poems, Reviews, Jokes, and Sex Toys to name a few. If you know the type of post you’re looking for, this is ideal. But being a new reader to this blog, I wanted to read it from the beginning. The calendar on the sidebar of the site made it quite cumbersome to find when and where the site first started.

Most of the images that are posted are ones that I’ve seen passed around as an email forward here and there, and several of the links leading to other sites seem to have a referral code of some sort, meaning the webmaster of Adults ExoticA is making money every time someone clicks them.

The layout is simple two-column layout and it’s sufficient enough for this type of site. Obviously, the main focus of the blog doesn’t have anything to do with a flashy design, but the white text on a black background does make it hard to read for some.

Overall, it’s an entertaining read. It’s definitely unlike any other blog I’ve read, and while I did enjoy my time spent browsing through Adults ExoticA, I can’t see myself coming back to visit on a regular basis.