Thou Art God gives you very little to
go by: no information about the
author, very little (if anything) to say
about the links in each log entry, and
no entry longer than 40 or 50 words
in the first place. There are no
images or graphics other than the 10
little buttons leading to various other
weblogs, and there was not much to
look at, do, or read about.
So why would one want to visit such
a place? If you want to follow
random links blindly, if you want to
read ever-so-short movie reviews (“I
saw Legend of the Drunken Master
last night, and it was a very cool
movie. The fight scenes were
awesome. “), or if you are a hardcore
minimalist, then you may love this
Personally, I couldn’t get into a
weblog that offered no info about
where I was going or whose words I
was reading. With no context for the
website, I was unable to leave
feeling or knowing anything different
than when I arrived.
Thou Art God