Review 3653

The Handy Goddess is one of the best concepts for a website that we’ve had submitted for review at TheWeblogReview in a long time. Barbara, the site’s creator and the pink-helmeted head of handy-ness is to be complimented on its stellar execution as well.

One of the site’s taglines is “DIY at it’s most entertaining”, but this is a website that requires two tags to do it justice, and the second is “Campy, Playful, Funny & Constructive”. If you can’t imagine how all these qualities could be contained in one blog then read on.

Apparently Barbara is a mistress of all trades, with a background in fine art and a talent for humor and just about anything one would need done in the way of home improvement, up to and including bathroom renovations, advanced plumbing techniques, finishing furniture, and creating household crafts of every kind.

The site is in a blog format built on WordPress, but by including YouTube-hosted videos on virtually every post, Barbara has turned the site into a real multimedia gem, with very solid production values. Her presentation style in her videos is equal parts campy flirt and solid tips for anyone interested in DIY improvements around the home. Ever heard of that mix before? Neither have I!

I can’t imagine anyone pulling it off better than Barbara does. Lines like: “I guess we’ve got a stripped screw, it gone and lost all of its threads” become double entendre that somehow works in Barbara’s capable hands, but don’t laugh too hard or you’ll miss her instructions on disconnecting plumbing for a sink remodel!

When you have Barbara’s onscreen presence and you’re featuring subject matter that lends itself so well to video presentation, it’s a no-brainer. Site owners are recognizing the value of video not only for improving SEO and the usability of their websites but because video can serve as an additional funnel to your site, letting visitors discover a blogger’s YouTube channel even before they find their blog. For The Handy Goddess, video and pink tools are clearly a recipe for success!

The Handy Goddess works as both entertainment and DIY education, but in addition to that it should serve as encouragement to anyone who thinks they can’t create a website that will attract thousands of viewers by communicating their unique expertise and personality. Barbara has a lot more of these qualities than most though, and I’d highly recommend The Handy Goddess for home improvement tips and campy, playful entertainment.