This was a fresh and unique idea for
a weblog. is a
weblog written from the perspective
of a cat; certainly the first of those I
have reviewed. I liked the look and
layout of the site, and was interested
to learn about it.
Most of the weblog entries were only
a couple of sentences long, usually
containing a link to a picture of or
another site about cats. I felt that the
entries were generally too short, but
then, I don’t really know what to
expect out of a cat in the first place.
There were good links to other parts
of the site, including a bio, info about
cat adoptions, and other feline
related material. I was disappointed
to learn that the site design and
graphics had admittedly been ripped
off from another site. is at the least a good
way of turning an old idea into
something new and fresh. The
humoruos style in which it was made
reflects the “real” author’s love for
cats. Any cat owner would find this
site entertaining.CockyKitty