Whenever I review a blog, I’m typically able to guess something about the writer just by looking at the title. Not in this case. The title ‘ruzz.ca’ was obscure enough to make me want to go and delve into this site and find out more about Ruzz, the writer of the blog. When you load up the blog, I found myself facing a plastic bottle over a black background – more obscurity. As I began to read some of Ruzz’s entries, I remained puzzled – the titles of his entries are vague – “blah” , “gah”, “.”. However, after reading for several minutes, it dawned on me that this obscurity is what makes ‘ruzz.ca’ the type of blog that I enjoy – one that encompasses the author’s feelings and thoughts, whether or not anybody else can understand them.
One of the things that confused me about Ruzz’s site is that reader’s comments are listed underneath that day’s entry. For a moment, I thought I was dealing with a schizophrenic blogger. Even after coming to this realization, I often found myself wondering what Ruzz was talking about – he can be highly philosophical at times and downright artless other times. Many of his entries make references to friends, which sometimes makes his blog incomprehensible to outsiders. Not to say that there is anything wrong with this style of writing – my own site is written in this manner – directed towards a smaller circle of friends and acquaintances. It is, however, something to keep in mind when you are reading Ruzz’s site and thinking to yourself, “What’s he talking about??”
Ruzz.ca has a very boxy design and the yellow and black complement each other well. I enjoyed looking at the daily photos, many of them of everyday objects – a picture of a bench, for example. Another feature I liked on Ruzz’s blog was the mouseover that accompanies each link. I found myself running my cursor all over the place to find out what Ruzz had to say about a link. Ruzz also has an interesting box entitled “inputing” in which he discusses material he is reading – sort of like a personal book review.
I recommend you visit ruzz.ca primarily for the interesting perspective he offers and the occasional comment on current events. The pictures are also a part of Ruzz’s site that you will want to check out while you’re there. All in all, Ruzz’s site is apparently ordinary at first, but becomes more innovative as you delve further in to his world.