Review 654

My first impression about the site was wow; this is a really good-looking site. Very clean looking, and I love the colors around it. I didn’t know what to expect so I checked the about section to read up on Ria. Got the background info and started the weblog.

The weblog is that of a typical college student. What should I do about classes? It covers all the typical college stuff. One thing the weblog desperately needs however is to be sent through a spell checker. Countless words being the wrong word. Or words being combined together to form not so nice words like tha tits… But it isn’t that big of a deal.

As I said, the design of the site is gorgeous. I love the soft colors and the design itself. It is very clean and easy to navigate.

Overall the site is pretty good. Some minor errors, like spelling, that should be addressed, but other than that, a good site.

Dream On